I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 14, 2024

Catching Up ~ Construction Chaos

Hi everyone. I am a bit mind-boggled after an unexpected week of home repair construction. I hesitate to say ''rehab'', as no redecorating,  just essentials. Last week when I was out thrifting [or not]w my friend, another friend texted that he had  a contractor available to do my long neglected home repairs. I never expected the work to start within a day or two, but it did. I am thrilled so far but so stressed, as is Mo.

 Tomorrow and for the next few days I'll lose some/ all access to my computer/ photos/ bathroom! So I'm just catching up today instead of writing about my summer quilt plans. 

Mo has found the project quite interesting. He esp loved the demo.

He snuggled with  electric drills.

The mess is very contained. But well, there.

If you look close, Mo is under the table. He is quite fond of this box of debris.

The construction team is, to me, quite impressive. Fast and very neat. They do ignore Mo, which makes Mo sad, but probably best they stick to their work lists.  The boss takes photos of everything before things are moved or covered. I was so touched last night to see that they had carefully replaced my cherished collection of lavender seaglass, onto the newly painted window bar. How sweet is that.

And they cleaned the screens!

When all is done I was thinking of replacing my pathetic wobbly dining table with this cute inexpensive table from, of all places, Walmart. It comes in white too. But my friend reminded me tables are very heavy and hard to get down the FEMA stairs and then to the landfill. And the WM table is super heavy, all real wood, 80 pounds!


Last week was Mo's Ten Years adoption anniversary. Just him and me but I made it special. Trader Joe's chicken and a candle, a party hat. He is always fascinated by celebrations, he knows the funny hat means--treats. We're saving the ice cream for warmer quieter days.

Hard to imagine ten years, how fast they have gone by. Mo arrived on that foggy June night, a very big boy for only ten weeks---he weighed 7pounds, 9 oz on the air manifest, I recall. And those big ears.


Small Bramble Berries update, last til finished I guess. This was odd, only time I have posted on Instagram and gotten NO likes or comments at all. Maybe everyone is very bored with my BB1.  Post was noting that I added the blue blue seashell borders and auditioning another round of Beachballs. I like to see ideas on a site like IG, large image, a step back from one's photo roll.

I was sad, IG is usually so responsive. Message received: yawn.

We just had the world's shortest rain squall. It got very dark, wind blew, three raindrops fell--that was it. Sunday I am invited to a Father's Day BBQ. I hope I can go, the construction crew works weekends, so it's iffy. 

Back soon, I hope, have a good weekend.



gone to the beach..

this flamingo has been seen on Cape Cod and now on Long Island. I saw one years ago after maybe H Irene? But I would love to see him on my beach!


  1. It's hilarious that Mo loves the chaos of the construction and Strangers in the house. Gibbs would be terrified and Sammy would likely be in the next county lol. YES to a beachball border! Love that aspect of your BB-1 quilt. Probably no response on IG since it wasn't linked to Audrey's linky party post but who knows. We're in for a full week of high 80s and low 90s next week with no rain in sight. Some of the kids will be camping here for the weekend for Father's day. They're bringing most of the food - yay!

  2. It's hilarious that Mo loves the chaos of the construction and Strangers in the house. Gibbs would be terrified and Sammy would likely be in the next county lol. YES to a beachball border! Love that aspect of your BB-1 quilt. Probably no response on IG since it wasn't linked to Audrey's linky party post but who knows. We're in for a full week of high 80s and low 90s next week with no rain in sight. Some of the kids will be camping here for the weekend for Father's day. They're bringing most of the food - yay!

  3. Wait - I thought I commented on that BB#1 IG post because I do love that new fabric you chose for the border! The wait time for home repairs around here is soooooo long and we do have things that need to be done. I am hoping to get a junk hauling truck in soon. Time for some stuff to get out of here

  4. Mo is so cute and sweet--all that construction stuff must have made him so curious...
    ["Mommy, what is going on here?"]
    I love his little celebration photos--with the cute hat and all--ah, doggy friends, ya gotta love 'em!!:)))
    I saw that picture of a flamingo on the Cape--talk about global warming, huh?
    Now, I L O V E your BB1--that seashell border and more of those darling KF umbrellas are just so perfect--so YOU:))) [btw: I went and got 1/2 yd of each of the umbrella prints after seeing yours in use--I am now petting and hoarding them! hahaha]. Meanwhile, I am still not happy with my BB1--it is staring at me on my wall and even after all these weeks of looking at it when I go in to my room, I STILL am not happy with it.. S I G H...
    Looks like a lovely weekend after last night's storms--did you get heavy rains or thunder boomers? We did for a bit...
    Tomorrow going to my daughter's to celebrate Father's Day...
    Hugs, Julierose

  5. IG has been a bit odd lately. I agree with Juliann. I'm not sure I saw that photo or I would have liked and commented on it, so do not beat yourself up.
    You are exceptionally lucky to have such efficient, caring workmen - very rare.
    Mo seems to have handled the disruption really well.
    Your jug of tulips quilt is a favourite for me. So cheeky and bright in your daring choice of fabrics.

  6. I'm never a fan of home repairs/improvements while they are in progress (the mess, the dust, the disruption, etc.) but thrilled when they are finished (if they've done a good job). It sounds like the ones at your house are really good. I think so because they cleaned up after themselves and returned things to their original places. That doesn't happen often in my experience.
    That's a beautiful table!
    Happy Anniversary to Mo! He look so cute in his hat.
    It's too bad your Instagram friends didn't respond to your BBI. I really like the addition of the seashell border. I would not have thought to try a light border but I think it looks great!
    We had a storm here on Friday afternoon that lasted about half an hour. The wind was fierce causing lighter branches to blow horizontally. Our back yard was covered with branches of all length, some larger with several leafy branches.
    I hope you were able to go to your BBQ.

  7. Oh, I feel for you. Having just come out of the new flooring upheaval. It's all worth it in the end but it's so upsetting to have things all out of order and strangers in the house.
    Hope you can go to your BBQ.

  8. Happy birthday to Mo, doesn't ten years fly by. How fortunate to have responsible considerate people doing your repairs. I think IG feeds are mysterious, in terms of what shows up or doesn't show up on people's feeds. Your Bramble Berries isn't "yawn" at all. It is vibrant and fun!


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.