From now, June 10 thru Fourth of July week I am having Dollar Days/ Sidewalk Sale days in my etsy shop. When I was growing up in a small town in Illinois, the summer night sidewalk sales---many items just a $1.oo!---were always so fun, so I am recreating that here. I have marked down almost everything in my shop to just ONE DOLLAR, plus shipping. Find a treasure or two/ stock up for gift giving!
Folk art items that are not marked down [dolls, quilts, treasures from the sea] are available for reasonable offers, just PM me. All offers cheerfully considered.
Hopefully you'll find something you like and you'll come back soon for my Summer Lavender Hearts in Seaglass and White and Summer Blues.
I hope you have fun. Happy Summer! My shop
''Your blog is more like going over and peeking over the neighbor’s fence to see what’s going on, what’s she doing now??! LOL.'' So... c'mon over and see!