Happy Friday! Early July is lily season here at the beach. Mo and I have been watching the lilies grow and bloom.
A LOng Island spotted toad lives here near the potted maple tree! Pretty exciting! Toads eat at lest 100 insects per day.
I told my friends that their lilies in bloom remind me of the John Singer Sargent painting, one of my favorite paintings ever, his ode to midsummer called "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose."
I always imagined the little girls were Lily and Rose. [but no.]
Most of my lilies were transplanted to my friend's garden, above, but last year he and my son put in this new red lily for me for Mother's Day. Nothing grew last year but oh, this year! Gorgeous.
And here we have a few roses, these low floribundas grow everywhere in low hedges, along the street edges.
It's the weekend again! Already!? I hate to belabor this--especially if i's really hot by you---but it's chilly here in the evenings! Tonight it's about 65* and windy, with rain in the forecast. But ever hopeful, I have some fun things to share, just as if it will be hot and sunny, ya never know:
On my pineapple theme: my friend found a mercury glass pineapple! Color me green with envy.
Our wine of the week is a sauvignon blanc from New Zealand. Exceptional! This winery also makes a wonderful, summery pinot gris.
I love the label!
I went to Staples and had the Bitty quilt pattern layout blown up to full size. So perhaps Bitty will head to the beach with me?

For reading: two rather hardcore, but entertaining thrillers.
The Switch by Joseph Finder [all his books are good, like great film scripts.]
And a surprisingly mainstream choice from Dean Koontz The Silent Corner featuring a new heroine, Jane Hawk. This will be a series, which is I suppose a good thing, because as I read it,all I could think was, This cannot end well.
And for Mo, I found something special: Frosty Paws. Popsicles for doggies. L and I drove all over today and found the last box at a big Stop-n-Shop. I hope Mo likes them!
Have a great weekend...
PS Many thanks to everyone who made my Dollar Days Etsy Sale a success. New Summer Blues and Seaglass inspired hearts will arrive next week.
gone to the beach~~~~~~