Good morning! I am proud to say I stuck with my ''program" and focused on just Blue Baskets/ Cheddar Handles for a planned top completion by March 1st latest. Whew, just in time, I finished over the weekend. And here it is:
The top has so many mixed fabrics of varying weights that, when hung up for photos, it looked a bit wrinkly and sad.
Photos on the bed are better but not outstanding. Maybe I have a bit of ennui des panniers? Yep, finally bored with Baskets.
Oddly as I smoothed the top out on my bed, I finally understood why Mel always says she isn't a fan of Basket quilts. I had the idea bed and baskets don't ''go''--like, why? Funny!
I began this project last January, for Lori of Humble Quilts 2019 Sewalong, which she called her Stringalong. I sewed on it through May 1, 2019 when all the baskets were completed. Then summer came and I didn't touch the project, not even in the fall, distracted by beach time and baby quilts [Bitty, Oh the Places Star] and the Duke T-shirt quilt. So I feel it was not neglected, it was worked on as scheduled. [you know how I obsess about finishes!].
To compare, Lori's two string quilts were just completed, including quilted, bound, washed. QB just finished her version, top only, the gorgeous Mama Lou Sings the Blues. HERE Of course some overachievers had theirs done the first day, lol, but that's just silly, and not for me.
My goals for BB were:
1-to use up the leftover strips from the thrifted blue plaid shirts, collected originally for When the Wild Geese Fly. [check/ most were used, but leftovers are a start on my Mama Lou]
2-To create an oldfashioned retro look quilt of my own design*/ traditional, with lots of white background as older quilts often have.[check]
3-To explore the use of freehand cut ''strings'' of the plaids, both in the Baskets and in the finally decided upon Piano Keys outer border. [check]
4- to use a mixture of white shirtings, collected over many years and/ or added to by friends, especially Nancy [Joy for Grace blog]. [check.]
Here is the inspiration quilt. Mine of course looks not at all like it! Pinterest link HERE, And the antique is much prettier! Oh nooooo.

The only thing I would change---and I'm not sure how---would be to have the Baskets a lot smaller. Perhaps not strings? Just all different plaids?
I have recently purchased Art Deco Baskets quilt to make I think 3 replacement blocks for it, and then I am very done with Baskets for awhile. Glad to see it go off to Lori C next week for quilting!
The Cheddar border:
The backing, a church flea find. So perfect despite being a bit worn and soft and and poly-cotton. I hope Lori C. can use it.
The binding will hopefully be this favorite shirt/ blue plaid. I maybe saved enough? Originally I had planned cheddar binding but I think the piano keys prefer a plaid.
From trimming the foundation pieced Piano Keys border, I have a stack of little cutaway strips, just perfect for an ''end-of-day'' little make do quilt. Always the most fun anyway, as it is only ''for fun'', for me!
The taupe grunge solid is obviously the best, but not fun, not fun at all.
March/ April goals are
_to piece the 11 Stars for Silent Night [indigo and white stars with an applique snow scene from 2017-ish ] and maybe piece the top, to be ready for summer hand applique;
_Make some Pineapple tryout blocks for a baby quilt [the nursery theme, though pale , is Beach Baby/ Tropical Paradise];
_and maybe to get those Art Deco Basket repairs started.
And what about poor Hideous?! The fabrics have been sitting on the windowsill in their big basket for three years, I hope they aren't too faded.
Anyway, one is done:
Today I'm baking oatmeal bread. It is maybe too chilly in the house for the yeast to rise. I put it in the oven with light on, that was the only warm place I could think of. It's not cold here but grey and drizzly. Usually I put the dough bowl in the sun for the rising warmth, but not today. You can see the recipe in my Food file on Pinterest.
Mo says thank you for everyone's concern about his fall. He is doing well, but I still have him on reduced walking distance and 4 small meals per day, since he wasn't eating after his accident. I think he'll be fine and a lot of his distress was due to the high winds, not the fall on the steps.
Have a good week!
gone to the beach...
PS There have been reports again of a rare snowy owl being seen near our beach. How exciting! I hope to get out to look for it. But today what do I see on its beach? Masses of the loud scary beach grooming trucks,how distressing and how stupid. But maybe it likes our dune rats, yum! and won't care?