I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Pumpkin Patch


Hi! Yesterday my best friend and I  went to the garden center's Fall festival aka the Pumpkin Patch. We thought this year we'd never get there but we did! Over the years, even Covid didn't stop us in 2020 and 2021 so we made the special effort. We've gone every year since our children were toddlers, they were smaller than the pumpkins. And my son always wanted the biggest pumpkin in the place.

When the kids outgrew the fun of the pumpkin outing, L and I decided we would go anyway, too cool kids not required. Can't you just see us someday, grey haired and wobbly, with our walkers and canes still on the hunt for that special treat.

Come enjoy a walk through with us on this cool bright October day. 

Beautiful flowers. This year the mums special was tricolor mixed big pots.

This one came home with me,

all beautiful deep Amish quilt colors and autumn beauty.

More pre planted ideas.

Autumn petunias, new to me.

Of course pumpkins are always the star of the show.

Big Max is there to greet everyone. Some years he is bigger than other years, lol.

And the fancies. Half price! 

More ornamentals and gourds.

Outside in the children's area were the bins of jackolantern pumpkins.

I can't tell you how enormous they are this year.  Bigger than a bushel basket! Knee high. Must weight 20 plus pounds?

And only $16.oo, then half price. One year a medium pumpkin was $40.oo, so the harvest must have been great this year.

Big bins of fancies too. Do we like warties?

I love these so much, but too big and heavy for me to carry.

I'd have chosen this one: all fat, flat, and crooked, warts and all.

And these, oooh. Pink!

Back in the shop, we were greeted by this guy.

and a few cute non-Fall things.

In the back of the shop, Christmas was sneaking in, the staff carefully unpacking the beautiful baubles. We promised ourselves we'll be back, Christmas visit is a tradition too.

Then a quick stop at Trader Joe's, also full of harvest bounty and so festive and cheerful.

TJ's pumpkins just glowed, like an old Dutch still life painting.

And the flowers are always a delight.

Back home I told Mo we have to try on and practice costume wearing. He looks underwhelmed, but was cheered up with ice cream.

Have a wonderful weekend.



gone to the beach...

PS we found a tree with bright colored leaves! Okay just this one but I think it is perfect. There were also golden gingko trees, got a few leaves for my nature journals. [good thing bec the berries are a big fat FAIL.]

And a brief glimpse of the marshes, turning gold slowly as November arrives.