Hi! As I type this, slowly, slowly on my new keyboard, the first snow of this winter is falling gently outside. The young man who installs my air-conditioner covers has finally appeared. I'd feel sorry for him, working in the sleet and cold but he was scheduled [and paid] to come in late October, and just now is getting to work.
On a nicer day last week week before the computer changeover I took a long cobweb clearing hike on the beach. It was a fairly nice day and quite busy by December standards. Maybe ten or so people walking along the three or four mile stretch of beach?
The beach itself was windswept and not perhaps as beautiful as it is on a hot day in June. But refreshing and peaceful. Join me?
I was happy to see the boardwalk still in place.
And the bench to sit and enjoy the quiet for a few moments.
The Par Ducks remain in place, actually less buried, the sand swept away in the last wind storm. The other items all are gone, just one shell remains.
The Trump gathering of wood and flag have gone, only this last gallows-like tree remains. Trump's last stand?
[Oddly I have a neighbor who is still faithfully flying his Trump 2020 flag. It's enormous. No one mentions it. How polite we all are!]
Gully! The only bird on the beach today.
I walk home via the dune edges.
This is the beach view of the seawall, the hidey hole Mo likes to peer out from the other side, I enjoy seeing the winter weeds and plants: bayberry, goldenrod seed heads, dune grass, phragmites, tumbleweed.
Then home, with tiny roses still in hopeful bloom, dried brown hydrangea still beautiful to me; dense rich holly, in the height of its seasonal perfection, a stray light purple stalk of unknown flowers, happy in the December warming [hosta].
Hot tea and Mo are waiting, as the too early sunset arrives at 4 PM.
gone to the beach....