I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Floods and tsunami

Hello everyone! I was all set to post a happy Welcome spring thing here for the weekend...But with all the bad weather news, it seems wrong sound cheerful and happy.

My beach is not in a tsunami area, as our East Coast does not have the tectonic plates underlying which seem to be the cause. But I do live by the water and can only imagine how frightening, how devastaing it would be to have a tsunami warning...and have 15 seconds! (according to MSN) to go to safety.
Or not.

So I 'll be back tomorrow with a Welcome Spring story. For now, we are watching events in Japan---and New Jersey! and hoping for the best.



gone to the beach....