Hi everyone! Summer really kicks off here at the beach for Fourth of July. Today there's a gale blowing in off the ocean, but the sky is bright blue and the sunshine is warm [-ish]. Summer spirits are high, despite the goosebumps. Time to relax and enjoy the long holiday weekend.
This is my kitchen counter. Don't the bowls of fresh veggies look pretty!
Pink ''spray'' roses in the sink.
7 stems for 6.99. Dozens of blooms. I'll put them in my Stars and Stripes jug and I'll add real little flags for the 4th.
Makings for simple meals--a lemony Caesar salad with avocado,
...or fresh ravioli tossed with tiny tomatoes, garlic, herbs and a squeeze of lemon. I won't bother to roast the baby tomatoes , I'll just sautee them in olive oil with garlic and sweet onion moons; dollop of wine, some butter, lemon. Fast and fragrant for hungry beach-goers.
I have an inexpensive wine this week. Cheap but good, a crisp white: Beach House Sauvignon Blanc 2014 here
And here's my newest candle----called Tomato Vine.
So unusual, it actually has that weird green sticky smell of a tomato plant, yet is fragrant and complex for scenting summer evenings.
And the jar color! Ooooh!
I'm hoping I'll make it down to the beach at least one of the days. This is my new beach bag.
It's deliberately small, since I no longer have to carry kiddies' toys, snack, sunscreen etc etc. Just big enough for my own spray sunscreen, some peanut butter crackers, and my hand sewing. I love the tribal ikat print in graphic black and white--and the little green pompoms! Cute and $3.oo at Target.
This is the little wristie or pouch Target has too, good for smaller items, like my phone and Chapstick--and it has pink poms! Adorable. Also 3.oo.
A trip to Staples yielded the surprise find of a lovely Journal, creamy white ''suede '' with golden pineapples. I'd like to create a perpetual journal, writing each day over the years. Though I'm not great at journalling.
And a very cute little notebook for drawing.
It has an elastic attached to keep it closed. I'm picturing Sharpie pen sketches but the card paper inside is heavy enough for markers or watercolors to also be used. I'll tuck these into my big bag too.
Oh and we must have a weekend book! This week's book: The Identicals, by Elin Hilderbrand HERE
![The Identicals: A Novel by [Hilderbrand, Elin]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41xHoJnq7lL.jpg)
Dysfunctional, not very nice adult twins, think The Parent Trap, on Nantucket/ MVY. Not plausible, but this is after all a beach book, a fantasy. Hilderbrand writes such vivid characters, her people really come to life--but except for teenage Ainsley and maybe friend Caylee, I'm not sure these are people I'd actually want to know. (Hilderbrand excels at my kind of details like what everyone wears, cars they drive; what wine was served, what food prepared. In one chapter Harley makes party food including tiny avocado toasts, each with different toppings--radish, hardboiled egg, etc. Best part of the book! I can't wait to try for one of my sunset on the deck evenings with friends.) I'd give this novel 3 Amazon stars. Try the library first.
New pink Crocs for gardening.
You all know what a fan I am of Target. I love these lightweight cardigans they sell. Soft cotton and acrylic, perfect for chilly evening walks with Mo, and yes, as mentioned above, it is chilly with the wind blowing. Little pineapples on white--perfectly summery and goes with everything.
Speaking of pineapples...my friends gave me this gorgeous tall Chinese urn. It doesn't ''go'' in their grey/ seaglass house right now, so I'll use it for awhile.
I found this little real pineapple for it, to bring a bit of tropical into my blue and white house.
And apropos of nothing I'm actually sewing, I saved this really fun Pineapple quilt block design to my ''someday'' list.Candied Pineapple Fabric.com Free Pattern

I promised Kelley I'd show her my terrarium. It's about the size of a shoe box and for some reason, nothing every survives in it.
Mo had a bath and mani/ pedi. He smells like Hawaiian Tropic coconut suntan oil, and is very white and fluffy.
He's waiting for the BBQ to begin. How about you, any plans?
gone to the beach....
PS Reminder ~ This is the final week of my Dollar Days Sale in my etsy shop. There's some fun things still to find for only a DOLLAR! I've added a few items, too , and marked down some of the more expensive items. Check it out, link in my sidebar on right. Thanks!