Hi everyone! I am again not hosting the Thanksgiving dinner so instead today I'm sharing a warm hearty comfort food for the rainy snowy weeks ahead. I first made this recipe in college, where I so often found myself feeding a crowd of hungry friends. Why, oh why---I'd moan, was I the chosen one! I hate to cook! My mom raised me to cook well and by age 19 I was by far the most skilled, maybe the only skilled cook in our crowd. My mom sent me off to school with vintage cookbooks--The Joy of Cooking, Fanny Farmer, a simplified Julia Child, and my favorite, an old James Beard that had easy recipes with not many ingredients. I loved the goulash then, and still love it today. [I think my cookbook was OOP Menus for Entertaining here---my mom loved organized projects, like dinner menus, and complete outfits laid out the night before. Itineraries!]

James Beard
Possibly you could try cubed chicken if you absolutely will not eat beef. And a crock pot version could work but it won't heat up a chilly house on a wet and windy Sunday afternoon.
Hungarian Goulash
"In Hungarian cooking, paprika is an ingredient, not a seasoning."
You will need good quality fresh sweet paprika, from supermarket is fine.
Preheat oven to 350*
3 lbs of cubed round. I buy a London Broil and cut the cubes 2".
More economical than precut stew meat. Don't skimp on the meat amounts, it cooks away to much less. Sprinkle lavishly w/ meat tenderizer and store somewhere cool, like in your unused microwave [or fridge] for a few hours if possible.
Dust the meat cubes with flour, approx. 1/2 Cup flour mixed with 4 T paprika. Save whatever you do not use. I shake the cubes and flour in a gallon Hefty bag.
Heat your dutch oven on the stove, add olive oil and a bit of butter. When hot add the cubes and brown lightly ''on all sides''---I flip the cubes once. Let the cubes sit and brown, don't shake or stir, or it will turn watery [and tough].
Take the dutch oven off the burner and turn off the stove. Add the rest of flour and paorika mix; stir it into the hot meat to dissolve..
- 2/3 of a large can of good Italian crushed tomatoes
- 3 C beef broth
- 1 C cheap red wine if you have some. Again supermarket wine is fine.
- Add enough water to cover the meat plus 2 or 3 ".
- Parsley -dry 3 T
- Garlic powder 1 T
- Paprika: 3 more T
- salt and pepper.
- 1 t cinnamon
- 1 t caraway seeds [optional].
- 2T sugar or sweetener of your choice. Do not skip this, it makes the sauce savory instead of sour/ bitter.
Stir gently.
Cover the pan top with foil and then the lid, for a tight seal.
Bake 350* for 3 1/2 hours.
You can check it after 2 hours to see if you need more water or broth but continue the baking time completely.
So easy! Nothing to chop, no onions, no carrots, no real garlic. The result is so tasty. If your meat is a smidge dry, just smush the cubes in the gravy as you eat.
Serve over homemade spaetzle* or egg noodles, rice, pasta or quinoa pilaf. Spaetzle is the best and easiest, here's my mom's recipe.
* say: "Spetz' Lee" Add a generous dollop of sour cream.
I can't find my friend Homer's mom's hand cut egg noodle recipe. It's good too. All the internet recipes I am finding have milk in the noodle dough but H's mom's is much simpler. Flour, eggs, ice water. Kneed, roll out, cut as desired. Let the noodles rest, covered, for one hour. Boil 3, 4 minutes. Butter, lots of butter. [hahaha, so retro! this is old fashioned ''mom'' cooking, update as you please! My kids like goulash over quinoa pilaf or mashed sweet potatoes.]
Also serve Brussels sprouts or sauerkraut or cooked red cabbage.
Leftovers are so good; freezes well, though I rarely have leftovers.
I added a few little Thanksgiving pretties over November, and put away the extremely bright orange quilts.
I have never before seen hydrangeas this color. Maybe dyed?
I do not do Black Friday shopping or Heaven forbid, Black Thanksgiving. How shameful. And then there's politically correct history to consider. Our grandchildren may never know the joyous holiday we had when we were kids, all family and great food and lots of wine. So sad.
I did try to do some real life Christmas shopping over the past couple weeks. Here we are heading off to Christmas Tree Shop: it was a madhouse! My friends hightailed it off to Saks. I persevered but it was disappointing.
Another day we went to Michael's [weekday early afternoon!] because my friend didn't want to make the very long drive to Hobby Lobby. I found some fun things--a galvanized bucket "Reindeer Feed", some ornaments, needed knitting needles. Santa sacks, like feedsacks, with old timey graphics to back small Xmas quilts?
I loved this this tin mailbox.
BUT when I went to pay there was one cashier and perhaps fifty people in line. I can't stand there like that for an hour or more, my hips joints hurt too bad. And my friend was impatient too. We walked out, empty handed. Color us disgruntled.
Oh! Of course you won't forget the turkey! One of my faves. I'll put my make do stuffing recipe here at the end. It's been here before, a real crowd pleaser.
gone to the beach....
Cornbread stuffing, easy peasy
1 box of Uncle Ben's White and Wild Rice or one Quick Rice bag of same. Cooked.
1 C prepared chestnuts, cut in half.
1 apple, diced,
1/2 C cranberries, dried.
Crumbled precooked sweet Italian sausage or 8 pieces of bacon, cooked and crumbled.
2T fresh sage, shredded fine.
Mushrooms and diced sauteed onions optional.
Mix everything together, add a smidge of water or Ch broth if it seems dry. Put in a large Pyrex pan, bake as directions on Stove Top box [I think 35 minutes @ 350*] , cover w aluminum foil until last 10 minutes. Mmmm, yummy. Reheats well, but if you reheat in the oven cover so it doesn't get too dry.