I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Wintery Mix and a Pug Mug

Hi...don't you just hate it when the weather guy uses those nasty words: "a wintry mix"? I think icy roads, freezing rain are just about the worst weather winter can produce. Even snow, within reason, is preferable.

Lucky for me the weatherman was wrong and today was glorious clear and sunny, just an amazing perfect winter day. It was pretty cold, below freezing in the morning, the first hard freeze of the winter, I believe. No wind so I bundled up and off I went to the beach with my new pedometer.
Hmm...it's a very cool tool but I noticed that my steps were about the same as distance walked, say 5000 steps, 5000 feet. Okay I beachcomb but I don't take eeeny meeny mincy 12" steps! My son had set up the gizmo and the software but upon examination I saw he did not set the stride length. And...typically "mom" I have no idea how to fix it. [except by you know, pencil paper, multiplying.] A fix is needed but still is so fun.

Upon my return I was thrilled to see that the mail lady had delivered the new Spring '13 catalog from Hancock's of Paducah. http://www.hancocks-paducah.com/

I toed off my boots, threw my coat on a chair...made a cup of tea and sat right down for a treat.

I love this big catalog, it sparks my imagination [and fabric greed] each time. I pore over every page, searching for the needed fabric or for a new idea.

The catalog has its drawbacks: you can't tell the scale of the prints (I've had some surprises!); and the fabric pictured are sometimes not available for many months, leading to confusing and frustrating back orders.

But I do love these wish books and I am so grateful that Hancock's still takes the time and expense to print and send such a book to its customers.

Shopping online just doesn't create the same experience, though I admit I buy most of my online fabrics from eQuilter's wonderful site. www.equilter.com But I make sure I order from Hancock's each time the wish book comes...gotta keep my favorite  catalog coming.

So....do you buy fabric [or yarn] online? Favorite websites? Are there catalogs you just love! and can't wait for them to arrive, even if your pockets are empty and the bills are piling up? Maybe gardening?
Or lol, Victoria's Secret [ their just-arrived swimsuit issue is so....beautifully discouraging?]...or the sales at Lands End?
Have a cup of tea and tell me!
             gone to the beach...
PS I've had this mug for quite a few years. It was a gift from my daughter...I always feel a little bad when I pour the hot tea onto the darling pug! But I love it and carefully handwash it, no dishwasher for this baby!
Here's their shop on etsy. The cutest mugs, you must look! Great fun gifts that will make the giftee smile and smile!