Happy Valentine's Day! I adore old Valentines of all kinds---don't you?
Most of these are from the January flea market---I found come cuties! These are classic kiddie Valentines. All three have "action" or honeycomb, so fun. On the puppy, note his little pink paws at the top, he is supposed to be doing a handstand. I have NO idea when these date from---pre-WW2?

Sweetest kittens and violets:
And swallows dressed up as love birds! See the tiny golden hearts in their beaks [below]? And more violets (sigh...)...
And swallows dressed up as love birds! See the tiny golden hearts in their beaks [below]? And more violets (sigh...)...
I love the aquas and purples used at this time, c.1905-1910...with the dash of Valentine red.
The next two are special finds---I especially treasure Valentines that are handmade with doilies and old scrap or photos.
This pretty girl did not sign her name!
But this cute embellished heart, a real "find", is signed "Auntie"....
If you look closely I believe the children are on a carousel! Very unusual...And Auntie's name is written over something else, a little re-gifting c. 1920?
My mother generally abhorred doing crafts...but every year she made handmade Valentine's for her children and friends.
These are two of hers that I have saved.
But this flea market card may be my all time favorite!
Yes, the tiny girl and her army of dolls is adorable (though perhaps a little creepy and surreal?)....But what I love is the message, dated 1912, NYC:
Here's a close-up:
"Am having a nice time and now and then some chocolate. [signed] Frances.
Darling Frances! I so agree! Forget the red roses, just send me chocolate!
So...tell me, dear friends: do you prefer a romantic card from a sweetheart? A crayon-scribbled and glittered doily heart from your child? Red roses? Or like Frances, would you secretly just prefer a box of yummy truffles to call your own?
Have a sweet day, whatever your preference may be!
gone to the beach....