I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, February 22, 2025

It's So Cold

 ''How cold is it, Lizzy?" (Hi, everyone!)

''It's so cold ...''

1- no walkies for Mo some afternoons.

2- no window washing. It's so cold I can't wash the crusted salt spray off my windows. Windex--and my fingers--freeze.

And it's so cold, some days I just shiver and dither. I imagine this is the coldest winter ever. 

On deck is Bramble Berries One [Bramble Blooms, a sewalong from Quilty Folk] but I diverted to a little project, Old Blue Baskets, a little quilt using rescued tattered and faded early 1900s blocks. 

They were in the in work pile, rediscovered as I mindlessly tidied, aka procrastinated, in the frigid sewing room. Right beyond that To Do stack is my pile of favorite fabrics, and this blue foulard from French General was on top. Perfect! Hand and machine quilt mix maybe? The Baskets are backed w fusible so not good for hand quilting.

I also made some brown hearts bowl fillers. Going for a primitive look. Blue dough bowl is an antiquue from Maine.

I was disappointed at first but they're growing on me, if I keep the setting very simple.

My Nature Journal is quite neglected, though I am gathering twigs and pods to draw ''someday''. Imagine my joy--such a little thing, to make me so happy!---when a 4" twig I saved for drawing back in early January suddenly burst into bright yellow blooms in its seaglass inkwell.


Faffing around the big room a bit, going for midwinter, post-Valentine look. Much too early for spring!

Black and white transferware set out. Decided to wait and do all blue in the spring, or like May whichever comes first.

Pillows, note the funny Kaffe Fassett ''Fish Lips'' black print...

and a black toile with the feedsack animals.


The winter bulb garden has been glorious. ALL these paperwhites were $7.99, I think. HERE Sold
out now as bulb but great sale prices on preplanted paperwhites and amies.

This is just three ''leftover bulbs!

Main event: this---

to this 

To this dramatic finale! 

Today I reluctantly cut the stems [topple factor] and put them in a blue pitcher.

Prize winning, if only in my own opinion, white amaryllis. It was so many blooms.

Pinky is slow but coming. I like that it will be blooming as the others finish. See edit at end of post!

Even Baby Blue has a bud, albeit w a hint of red not blue. And Big Red was beautiful if short-lived. aaand, suddenly now has yet another bud. I think I need to pot it in its summer soil while the next blooms grow.

This has been a wonderful indoor garden year so far.


As mentioned Mo has been easy going about walk or no walk. He does seem to be liking his sweaters now that he is an older little man.

Last---no new pic, but! I did work on Bramble Berries, just a little. The wild recycled nine patch top cut up and used on sides so far. Imagine  my amazement--it works, it actually looks as I imagined a whole year or more ago.

Now must go cook, using last of roast pork to make friend rice. Sounds good as the snow gently wafts down outside on the dunes. I had Trader Joe's spring rolls to go with, yum.

Have a good week ahead! February's last hurrah.


lizzy....gone to the beach


EDIT: Overnight! Pinky bloomed! Isn't she gorgeous. Bud on the right is surprise flowering of Baby Blue, who I am thrilled to see even if he turns out to be pink.
