I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Really Summer This Time!


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[maybe leftclick for link? It is post June 18, 2010]

We like to say/ think that it is always summer here at The Beach....

It makes our deluded little hearts so happy! It lets local residents happily parade around in shorts or flipflops in December...and February...and....

But Summer rolled in for real yesterday, 90 degrees, sunny and breezy. Perfect!

The days are so gloriously long...and the nights so short. We are blessed with a full experience of what is called astronomical twilight, which means true darkness has finally overcome the sun and we can see the stars.

[As opposed to nautical twilght, when ships can no longer see the horizon, the division of sea and sky.) Tonight darkness finally fell at 10.35 PM...and the sky will begin to lighten at 3.19 AM. Is that not glorious?

lots of time to search for treasures....

good times...

good memories and good friends....

good waves......

and more good waves....

          "All that I really love
            Is the sky that flattens
            On the bay.
            And the eel grass in the cove;
            The jingle shells that lie and bleach
            At the tide line,
            And the trace
            Of higher tides
            Along the beach."

                                                edna st.vincent millay



                                 gone to the beach...............