I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 18, 2024

Chased by hornets! Scary.


It's another  magnificent bright blue day! In fact it has been a bright blue Fall so far with not a hint of rain in the forecast through November.

The drier air and low angle of the sun create a blinding brilliance, as the rays reflect off the sequin spangled ocean. Despite that, we got out for sewing hours most days.

Today was back to Noah's Ark prep.

I did the set ups of most of the remaining animals and the folded edges on the chickens. One hen goes above the Giraffe on the left. 

I'm a bit worried--the poultry are all female/ hens; the lions are all big maned males. What to do, not redoing them now.

You may recall I'm using a leave in applique textile. The top print edges have to be clipped,  folded and glued, then pressed. I have decided to soak and rinse the blocks before assembling the animals. The glue gets all over [invisible]  and then dries white.

Washing also softens the Pellon-ish inner fabric. The Giraffe needs another bath though, I see.

Here is my folk art wooden Noah's Ark. I had seen the German antique arks at a NYC folk art exhibit and fell in love, despite the many thousands of dollars price tag [I was an adult! Originally Arks were Victorian children's toys, perhaps for sedate Sunday play.] My dad designed it and made it, carving the animals from pictures in an old thrifted natural history book he got at his dump's swap shop. My mom painted  them. Each year I'd be given a few new pairs for Christmas. I think I have about 30 pairs, including Noah and Mrs Noah.

I'm enjoying the Ark project, even though I can see it will drag on through next year. So call me crazy, I finally got Barb Vedder's wonderful Folk Art Animals pattern. 

I have loved it for years.

I think it's a whole cloth construction. That's a challenge.


The scary part of our sewing days is we keep being chased indoors by---not hornets, I don't think--- but yellowjacket wasps. I read that they proliferate and swarm in October. I'm seeing a number of pet parents saying their dogs have been stung! And my brother told me he is ER level allergic to wasp stings, esp yellowjackets. I'm not diagnosed but I do not want to be rushed off in a frenzy. I made sure there was no food outside--then they came for my glue stick. EeeeeK!

Online I read that Dawn dish soap attracts wasps and then they drown. My mistake was putting the soap in the fountain. [The wasps like the fountain a lot.]. Uh oh. 

I was hoping for pretty arial bubbles even if the wasps weren't interested. But no.


I finished this simple block for my Sara Sporrer quilt. A nod to me and Baby Mo, my little friend who is always by my side.

I still don't like to embroider but I am getting smarter. I'm now cutting the block very extra large, so the material fits and stays within the hoop. Trimming later.

Another deck project, to patch my most favorite very very long lived J Jill chambray shirt. The gingham patches are new. The colors work better in person.

Not washed yet. Washing will meld all the patches together more.

You can see the tiny heart at the neckline and more patches on the inner back.  As I sewed I found more shredded areas. Maybe its time for it to retire. Have had it maybe 25 years.

I treated myself to some delightful Autumn pansies fabric.

Doesn't look like I will get any Fall pansies this year---anyway it's too hot and dry for them. So this was irresistible. Aren't they well done! More likely for sofa pillows instead of a quilt project. From Two Thimbles Quilt Shop online.


One or two chilly days and nights...sweater weather! Too bad I don't have any Fall sweaters, just darker tees and usual khaki shorts. "Shorts til December, no heat til January" hahahah.  Mo must have felt cold though.

It seems Mo went into the clothes basket and got himself some nest building items!

Have a good weekend and week ahead.



gone to the beach....

Last week's comet! From Mel, in Kansas.