Good evening! Since it is far too dark wet and dismal for our annual New Years' beach walk and blog post, I'll look back at my quilt finishes for the year gone by. 
I used to think these [almost required in quilt blogland] count-up posts are terribly tacky and braggy. There is always the person who made umpteen dozens, the sewer who thinks ''the one who made the most quilts WINS!" , but I have come to understand that it is fulfilling and useful to keep a record of what was made and when. If only to make it easier to find a photo when one's photo files are lost in an electronic crash. So on we go:
Note: This past year, I only joined one sewalong, a goal I had set, as sewalongs are so tempting but terribly stressful. ///I made two quilts specifically for other recipients, including taking their wishes into consideration in the design process. ///And I gave away four quilts, the three mentioned here, plus Quilts of the American Revolution, made back in 2015-ish. It's very hard for me to part with quilts so that was a big deal to me.
2020 QUILTS ~
Final binding and presenting of the T-shirt quilt. I didn't receive so much as a text or email from the young woman I made it for. It was made for a best friend's daughter, my friend who never ever lets me down--so I decided pleasing her was sufficient.
"Bitty" It was hard for me to give Bitty away, but she is gone now. I loved making her, bringing the idea to life. Hand appliqued, hand quilted.
Little Tree, a sewalong for Holiday 2019 by TQC. Finished as planned after the hols were over.
This Fall I added the hopeful Red Bird.
Blue Baskets/ Cheddar Handles--a few years in the making, a sewalong at Humble Quilts. My pattern and design/ idea. Sometimes I like this quilt, some days it is just a big fat yawn. Took a very long time and much concentration. Setting rescue via Penny in S Africa.
**Around this time March, April, May, most quilt sewing stopped while I---we all--frantically made masks for the Covid 19 pandemic, as masks were not available to buy. It was mindless, depressing work, but supposedly would save our loved ones.
Tiny Coins, one of the Lucky Horseshoes series. Leftovers from Blue Baskets. "End of Day" quilt.
Almost Almost Amish, a Humble Quilts sewalong. I hand quilted it as summer began and was grateful for the 2019 project ready and waiting for 2020 deck time with Mo.
Tiny Baskets [of Hope and Blessings], a sewalong by Julie Porter of Farmhouse Cottons.
A Day in the Country, also known as "Year"--took two years. Vintage pattern by Sarah Sporrer, a gift from Penny. I love this quilt, has so much fun with it.
Starry Eyed Jack 💗💗💗!!! pattern by Jan Patek, wild colors by me.
Crow in The Melon Patch begun by a swap friend, given unfinished to me. I put it together, added my Crow and Flag, quilted it. Fun and successful.
Baby Pineapples a gift for friends' baby girl, her ''big girl/ someday'' quilt. My design as requesed.
Lucky ABC Sawtooth, part of the Lucky series. ABC means ''antique block challenge''; my block, treasured unused for years. Lori of HQ November challenge. I love it. My floating borders were criticised but again, they please
Shirley's Christmas, top by Shirley Funke: a rescued vintage top c. 1988. Found on FB Marketplace. Despite some qualms and criticisms I still love it. Yes, the green is ghastly but so what? Look at Kitty! I'll give it its own finished post next week. I sewed the last stitches as the Ball dropped in a deserted Times Square NYC.
Oher projects---below: this textile collage , a kit from French General, something cheery for dark sad days. I love the result.
A label hand embroidered by my friend L, for Tiny Baskets. We were hopeful by late summer; maybe Covid days were ending soon? [little did we know Thanksgiving would be cancelled, then Christmas Day, then New Years Eve. But for just a month or two in late summer 2020, a sign of hope?]
And so another year has come and gone. The Tree is gone, the house is again blue and white.
The future is...?
Love to you all!
ps I think Shirley's quilt will look great folded in my stack of Christmas quilts.
gone to the beach....
