Hello, hello on this dreary too dark/ too early evening. Tonight I am just catching up on a few random things. If you saw this on FB in briefer form, just disregard.
Lime harvest:
We had the first cool day last week, I think Friday? I cut back my deck garden and hauled away the remnants. I am so sad to see summer end. Next year I have decided---NO garden, or just one pot. I couldn't haul enough water for the flowers to thrive, so no.
[We'll see how my resolve is next May, when I see all the tempting seeds.]
This is my lime tree final harvest. Got maybe 4 dozen this year! Some are small but they're thin skinned, juicy, and fragrant.
I am saving lime tree seeds for Mel, maybe she'll grow a vicious thorny lime tree too?
accurate color |
I'm juggling many little doings and projects, seems like not much gets done, but I'm caught up on Lori's Mystery Little Quilt, Almost Amish.
I hated how it was looking but now it's either growing on me, or I'm getting used to it.
The sixth color is not-yet-used green. These are the choices.
Far right green was my original choice.
We have also cut some maroon and some brown little squares---will they be cornerstones? Is the green a sashing? A border? Time will tell, new clue tomorrow.
I am excited despite not liking what I've done so far. If only I had the willpower to do as blog friend QB suggests: Wait til all the clues are in and then make the project from a position of knowledge. On the other hand I always mostly love all the mystery quilts we've made [not a fan of my Madder project, though the Indigo and Cheddar second version is delightful, I think].
Yesterday and today I finally got up my nerve, and if not enthusiasm at least resolve, and began cutting up t-shirts for my best friend's daughter's t-shirt quilt.
I hope I can puzzle the pieces into an appealing whole. She has saved tees for many many years.
Doing the cutting makes my back hurt so I have one more day of cutting, then must adhere fusible to all and recut. Then the fitting together begins.
This afternoon, on our walk: abalone skies. Very Autumn-y.
Dinner tonight---I only make this once a year! ---is kielbasa with sauerkraut, mashed turnips, and faux fried apples. The house smells good! Baking bread tomorrow if it's a rain day. And I want to make this cake here---need a new bundt pan tho. I'll look when we go thrifting later in the month or the recipe shows a link to a beautiful and not too $$$ Nordicware pan, under $30.oo on Amazon. [recipe is labor intensive.].

gone to the beach.......