from a friend in the city: Storm coming, rooftop view of NY Harbor, Statue of Liberty is dot on the horizon. Apocalyptic, isn't it! |
[late afternoon , Tuesday]
Hi everyone!
It looks like a beautiful summer day, yes, we skipped spring...but we are under a severe storm watch including lime sized hail!

I think it will miss us, but I'm watching because I was given a lovely pot of flowers for my deck and I want to bring them in if we have hail, or heaven forbid, a tornado!
I'm at the computer instead of on the deck with Mo because I have a team of busy young guys here cleaning and/ or replacing my dryer vent. I find repair events scary and am dreading to find out how much this will cost. Less than a house fire though. I've been saving for this since the dryer died in November; the dryer repair guy told me it wasn't safe to use the dryer until this this work today is done.
Do you have your vent cleaned regularly? This professional job is a first for me.
Recently I've been stopping by other local beaches to get a glimpse of the waves up close and to breathe the wonderful negative ion infused air. My beach is so far! Both of these beaches are smaller and/ or more easily visible, though actually the ''shark beach'' is huge and deep too.
First the surfing beach, last week, a cold day but good waves and brave athletes. Lots of young women here surf, as well as the guys and all are quite impressive. I love watching surfing, hypnotic and dangerous-seeming.
Another day I investigated the eastern beach where the new 9/11 memorial was opened this past year. A large memorial service has been held on this beach since the event happened,. Even though there is no WTC view from this south facing beach, people gathered here to mourn and pray, and finally monument has been been built.
I call it the shark beach because it has these shark warning signs.
I always thought the signs, not posted where anyone can read up close!--were warnings for swimmers, but now I see they are about protected species and how they are not to be harmed or fished. This beach has a lovely picnic table area right on the sand, but protected by widbreaks! If I didn't have Mo to contend with, I'd bring lunch and my knitting and I'd while away a spring or autumn afternoon. It's very beautiful.
This is some sort of communications and navigation tower. I suppose instead of a charming lighthouse? This won't look too cute on my lighthouse quilt if/ when I start working on it again.Luckily there's a cuter version the village, though even it is not a lighthouse, just a tower in a churchyard.
Or who knows, maybe it's just a squatty flagpole? Taller than it looks in the photos, though.
Back to the surfing beach on a sunnier day.
When the light is just right, the water here is bright turquoise blue.
As the school year draws to a close the kids meet here, across the street from the school, making a camp of sorts and hanging out.
The men have finished. And much to my surprise the boss took a few extra minutes to help me batten down and bungee my deck chairs and patio table that I had just set up this very morning. Isn't that kind. I was so impressed.
He said he'd send a bill for the entire redo of the vent system. Gulp.
gone to the beach...
a half hour later:
And then:
Rare! A sunset rainbow.
During the brief, not very interesting storm, Mo sat on the sofa back, glaring at me. He didn't seem to notice the thunder, but I could tell he had An Issue. Finally it dawned on me: I had hustled him home from his walk to the beach bench, then I had rushed around with the vent guy, making the deck storm-safe, as the big black clouds loomed. Oh no! I had forgotten Mo's after-walk tricks and treats routine. He was waiting waiting waiting. Pugs love having things just so, variation is not approved of. LOL We did his tricks and then he trundles off to bed, for a nap, storm ignored, all well in Mo World.