I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dregs of Beryl


Hi everyone! Mid-July!? How is that possible. This past week has been a bit busy and not in a fun way. The pics I used are from many summers, I had fun looking back at other summers, hope you enjoy. I'm writing this ahead of time, as next week/ this week now is a clinic treatment week. The appointment is again at a far away place[not really far just unpleasant 1/2 hour drive , traffic permitting]. It's not set up for sitting still, uncomfortable, for four hours. Ugly and not very clean, in my opinion! Scariest rickety elevator , like a horror pic. This all adds to the stress, of course. [Hence my lack of focus for this post and projects.]

Theother day  sky was filled with wispy grey banners and intermittent rain---looked like November,  but is the hot sultry dregs of H Beryl, who is now laughably designated a Tropical Shower, not even a storm. We we and are inside with air conditioning on, because the salt and humidity are crusting over sand and dust and it's so hard to keep the house sparkly clean looking. 


Mo had a scare, with a skin tag  or mole that suddenly ballooned up to a blister, like a blood filled sac, bigger than a pea! Grape tomato size. It is benign ---vet says, no big deal--- but it burst before I could get Mo to the vet and bled profusely. I am thankful of course it is not cancerous, but it cost 250.oo to be told, ''No big deal, blot with a damp paper towels and put Neosporin for a few days.'' [My home remedy anyway, for free?] Mo saw the head vet in the practice, whom I trust, so it was a necessary expense, I know.

Cooking: I like to cook ahead while recuperating. I made a pasta casserole, yellow squash w vidalia onions and parmesan,  ham salad, roast beef salad. The casserole will go in the freezer probably.

[We don't like crowds here]


"Threads": do you follow Threads via Instagram? It's like a talky site, maybe like X or Reddit but really obnoxious and stupid. It is pushed into one's IG feed whether you want it or not. BUT today was enlightening. So many many sellers from Etsy, talking about how they were closed down by Etsy administration, no warning, no reason. A bot or algorithm randomly removes one's shop And buyer status too. This is what happened to me. Gone, blocked, no human to talk to and explain or fix, just gone. For good! I had a perfect record, 5 star ratings, next day shipping, paid on time always, credit card and PayPal up to date. I had customers who have become friends, new customers looking for a special item, it gave me such joy. 

  I am  leaving my sidebar Etsy link for old friends/ customers who might then contact me here, where I may post a few items now and then. 

Maybe the saddest aspect is being unable to buy on Etsy, so no patterns from Barb Vedder, Julie Porter, Laurie Simpson---no fabrics, for example that retro Halloween print I loved and searched for. Yes etsy may have it, but not for me.

Have a great week! 



gone to the beach.....