Good evening! Just checking in* on this drizzly Saturday night. The weather has improved [despite the current rain] with no wind and temps in the high forties. The ''no wind'' is the important bit, what a difference that makes. The rapid change from very frigid November and December is so welcome but deep dense fog is the result. I couldn't see my car this morning, or the dunes, and certainly not the beach or ocean. But I love fog, so no complaints.
Mo and I went for our long walk at sunset, as our noon walk was cut short by rain. Some odd shift in the weather briefly switched things from fog to soaking drizzle, we had to hustled home.
My home decor was all gone the day after Christmas, but I left up my tree til tomorrow. It is so fun and sweet, and so little--- I hate to stow it in the dark closet so soon.
And I have kept out some special even tinier trees. These are my tinsel trees.
And a new gift of a wonderful seaglass tree! Isn't it adorable!
Locally handmade, it's from the farmers market's Christmas Market, a one day celebration that I missed due to a clinic day. Next year I'll plan better. I also missed the little church's Fair that weekend, and town's Tree Lighting. Sad! My friends brought me this.
Gifts were good this year as always. My kids, helping me fold laundry, had noticed my patched but much loved ''velvet'' flannel sheets [Company Store here], and they gave me a new yummy set of sheets from Boll and Branch. here All organic cotton, so thick and delightful.
The kids also gave me my first Bombas socks, wonderful socks I often give others as gifts, but too extravagant for myself. I had even given my doggy walker a pair of their Anniversary Edition Sesame Street socks, as she loves Sesame Street. [She is, like, 30, lol.] Remember her being Oscar the Grouch at Halloween?
I am always cold, and am known for my make do leg warmers cut from old sweater sleeves. Now I have my merino wool mid-calf Bombas, oh they are so great! Another cool thing about Bombas is the company donates one pair of socks for each pair sold, to the homeless or to others in need.
''Socks remain the #1 most requested clothing item at homeless shelters across the US, where new clothing is in extremely high demand. For every Bombas clothing item you purchase, a specially-designed donation clothing item of the same kind is donated to someone in need. "
A small but loving comfort. I believe they've donated over 30 million pairs so far! Bombas here
Oooh and fancy hot chocolate mix and marshallows. I have the best kids.
And from my friend L, this darling Mason jar pin cushion. Already much in use as I work hard to get Bitty hand-quilted for coming baby/giftee.
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I'm still snacking on leftovers, but tomorrow I plan to make soup, as suggested by Mel, and maybe bake a loaf a bread. The house will smell inviting, I hope, when my kids arrive home.
Enjoy the quiet time, time to renew and go slowly through the frosty days and bitter nights. Stay safe and warm.
gone to the beach....
*PS I notice a new ''no-no'' on the web, it seems we are not to use the qualifier word "just": I just called to say I love you?//I'm just texting to see how you are?//Just checking in, what are you up to?
No no no. Seems that means an apology? What the heck? Who makes this stuff up?
Instead, let's ban the words flimsy [quilt top, but sounds like trash] and UFO/ PHD [UnFinishsed Project?/ project half done; also makes quilts sound like trash] from our quilt world vocabularies. Please!
LOL my New Years rant, instead of my usual anti-Resolutions lecture.