I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, March 21, 2025

March is Blowing Along

Hello! Not much is happening here in Lizzy-Land. At three and a half weeks since Covid got me, I am doing well---just struggling a bit with post-Covid ennui. Today though I must make make pj-s for my friend's dolly! [done!]

And I'm working on a commission of pillow cases and sofa cushions for other friends.

We had dense fog, now blown away by very high winds, 50 mph. Mo and I will stay in.

Friends have been sending me pics of the outside word! From Mel in Kansas, a lovely
end of winter sunset.

Another friend's walk on his [very eroded] beach. These are not black and white photos, just the relentless grey of March at the beach. Dismal

Yes,  the sand will return. Possibly assisted by the giant trucks that busily work each day doing who knows what.

One still grey evening the sun peeped out and --magic! Better than the much admired ''golden hour" of July and August, a pink sunset.

The world glowed.


The grocery guy brought daffies yesterday. 

So pretty. And Big Red's final bloom fades away. Last of the amaryllis this year.

Pansies! No pansies this year---since I missed the annual Garden Show. A bit sadly I pulled out this lovely fabric and some of my pansy and violets plates.

I am unsure on first thought how to use the pansy fabric. It's beautiful but the muted colors don't work as sofa pillows and lack contrast to be used in a quilt.[what would you do with it?]

The plates may go on the pine plate rack just for April, we'll see.

Mo and I had fun celebrating his birthday!

I made him a tiny cake.

Baby Mo is 11!

Spring--three more months til summer! Have a good week!



gone to the beach....


PS I do my best to answer all comments. If you're in the UK or I do not have an email for you, or you're anonymous/ unknown, I answer here online. [it seems customary on UK blogs to reply on the post?]

If you're anonymous, it's good to sign your name and area , so I know it's you.

If I have your email , usually USA friends, I will, as said, do my best to respond. Thanks!