I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summer Blues


Good morning! I got so busy yesterday, bedazzling a child's camp shirts, shorts, hoodies---I forgot to write my Friday post. Eeek. I kind of lost count of the days with the contractor and crew here, so unexpected. They have finished. Wonderful repairs; a few jobs not done because they need more planning. But what was done is fantastic,

I did remember to light my Solstice candle and to welcome the full Strawberry moon.

Coincidentally yesterday's Modern Tarot draw:

Now I must get my thoughts back together for a productive happy summer. Mo insists that a freezer full of doggy ice cream and evening walkies is all. we. need.

The Favorite Things [my name] vintage blocks from Sarah Sporrer. Next is the Pineapple.

And I want to do the Giraffe pull toy.

The pattern for Noah's Ark came. 

I'm making it at 75%, in shades of blue. My working stacks, below, including wonderfully perfect choices sent from Penny in SA.

And my collection of modern-ish blues in the cupboard, yes, I know it all needs refolding but the workers were using my stepstool.

I'm going to try this new-to-me applique paper. It's like freezer paper to use, but the magic is one need not pull out the paper. It goes away [ mostly?] when washed. Before I start, I want to make a tryout swatch, just in case it's a gloppy mess of wet Kleenex in real life.

My quilter has had machine issues; I am still awaiting my quilts. I did tell her not to rush. I'd rather wait and be sure her equipment is working. But that means no lovely mindless hours of binding sewing just yet. So other projects resurfaced for consideration

I have this much loved worn out blue and white quilt to repair. 

This is rather embarrassing, I found almost the same pic ---from 2017!

...when looking for Mo baby pics. Problem is, I love the quilt, I want to fix it, but get discouraged. Closer I look, the more tattered it reveals itself. But I could at least make maybe three replacement patches to sew over the worst damaged areas? Get started?

I also have this quilt to take apart, a Mennonite top from Illinois.

It was my mom's; I lent the top to a friend who without asking me, had it ''finished''--as in tied or knotted, not quilted, using very puffy polyester batting.  It is very thick and hard to store. She used it for years in her sons' summer bedroom and one block is very frayed. Edit: Many blocks are very frayed. The original blocks were made with that early 20th century very frugal 1/16" seam allowance.

My plan was to undo the ties, fix the blocks. Maybe switch out the ghastly fuchsia for light cheddar. But just now, on close inspection, I decided it is hopeless, and have no idea what to do. [I should give it back to the friend!].   The cheddar in real life is not baby poop brown!

I did a little work on BB1, auditioning the KF Rainbows for a border. Was surprised it didn't work at all. 

Next week Ill sew the Beachballs on instead, then I can estimate how to take apart my nine-patch top from eBay If it all goes smoothly, that may be ready for the quilter by, August?


On a positive note, some pics from a friend who def knows what she is doing. She designed and made this gorgeous HUGE 102" x 102" blue and white beauty for the bedroom in their new house. I love it so much.

Note how the slightly Art Deco feeling of her design melds so beautifully with their Art and Crafts antiques.

I think that's the first quilt she ever has had longarm finished; she does beautiful hand quilting. And then there's this wonderfully authentic Airplane quilt. Great colors and design. Her photos aren't compatible w my upload system, sorry for sideways.

Another  beautiful blue of summer: the hydrangeas just this week have burst into bloom.

We're back! Rushed in from dinner walk by a sudden rain squall. I don't mind getting a bit wet but there was lightning. Mo was baffled, had to be coaxed home with promises of "yum-yums', a word he knows well. Enjoy this lovely last few weeks of June!



gone to the beach...

oh look, the Painted Coreopsis did reseed and regrow. Not as lush as last year, I must allow more seeds to form this year.

And my friend's red campion reappeared also.


  1. You have a lot of projects going on. The blues are so pretty. The mending looks daunting. I know what you mean, I'm having a similar experience with an old quilt, where the closer I look, I see more and more places that need mending. I'm just going to cover/mend the worst places. Mo is lucky to get doggie icecream! That's such a neat idea, to light a solstice candle, and just to be mindful of the moon.

  2. Wow! So much to love in this post. I have been accumulating more blue fabrics and dream of making a blue and white quilt at some point. And I love the rainbow Fassett fabric as your next border. I am always stumped about how to use those fabrics so thanks for the inspiration.

  3. The beachballs will frame your BB-1 beautifully. I'm interested in hearing your results with that applique paper and where you ordered it please. I'm working on a "big brother" quilt to send along with a baby quilt and would love to add big brother's name on his quilt. Baby is due end of July so I'll need to get it figured out soon. Of course everything has to be mailed.

  4. I had a tied quilt we rescued from an old house we bought; I carefully undid all the ties and pulled off all the very old cotton batting that was all bunched up from being tied and then washed…it’s now in my pile of quilts to go to my machine quilter( I no longer hand quilt due to arthritis)… Lynda

    1. Hi Lynda! That was my plan exactly w that Mennonite quilt, but when i got it out yesterday for pics and planning I saw that all the seams had opened and no SA left, just a thread or nothing. And the fabrics are like thin cheap tissue paper. It's intact only bec of the ties. Life's too short. I ll ask my friend if she wants it back, maybe for a foldup on her wicker porch furniture. It truly is not save-able tho.

  5. I love the beach umbrellas fabric border and those scattered shells are so perfect--your BB1 is really coming together beautifully!
    I have two of my Grand-mere's old quilts that need repair, but I just cannot seem to get to it. Also, i don't know if i want to add modern fabrics to them...anyway, your blue and white one is so pretty--definitely worth repairing...
    A very humid and foggy morning here on the coastline--.25" rain after midnight...hugs, Julierose

  6. I have a Fuschia pink Campion in my garden - several plants of it (bought from the Post Office shop as one of the lady's mums pots up her spares). Love all the quilt sortings in this post. It was quilt day at Malvern today so I took lots of photos.

    1. I love the rose campion, trying to get friend to space w French lavender in that nook. So ''Nantucket''/ seaside.
      Oooh Welsh quilts, thank you! Can't wait to see everything. lizzy

  7. Did you finish the bedazzlement of the camp clothing? I hope the child loved them!
    It's good to have the work crew gone. Do you know when they'll return to finish the other jobs?
    Some days, I would agree with Mo: ice cream and walks is enough, though I would add naps.
    The pineapple and giraffe should be fun to make. Noah's ark looks challenging to me but I know yours will be beautiful.
    How did the magic applique paper work? I'm remembering that when I made quilt blocks for an Airedale someone sent me some wash-away applique paper. I think I still have part of a roll upstairs. It worked great. If what you bought doesn't work, let me know and I'll look at the roll I have upstairs to see what brand it is.
    Such a beautiful blue quilt--with some sad tears. I wish the quilts I love most never wore out. I hope you can fix it. Yes, get started! Your fabric is such a close match.
    I was amazed to see 1/8" or 1/16" seams in old quilts. How did they ever hold up? I've heard that the more quilting the longer a quilt will last.... The fuchsia fabric on the Mennonite top is wild and probably beautiful for some other quilt.... If you're thinking of taking it apart, could you resew the seams? It would be such a lot of work and the quilt would end up smaller, though.
    I'm surprised the KF Rainbows don't work for your BB I. The colors seem perfect with the flower colors in your center block--almost a perfect match, color for color.
    Beautiful hydrangeas. I've never seen the buds before they've bloomed....

  8. I made the Sarah Sporrer pineapple when I was making all those pineapples last year. I think it was my favorite design. I love the little giraffe on wheels design - just darling. The Noah's Ark quilt will look great with all those blues, you've got a lovely accumulation of blue fabrics that all work together well. The repeat of the beachballs look terrific with the rest of your center. Best choice. June has gone quickly this year. Summer is not my favorite season but I think I need to get out and enjoy it more.


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