I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 7, 2024

Nature Journaling, the bad, the Ugly

 Before I start my post today, I just want point out to you that Pottery Barn has its Halloween Shop open now. Just in case, you know, Halloween is now in June. or you have FOMO, fear of missing out?  HERE 

(I hope my Liberty Pumpkin makes it back from the quilter in time for 4th of July...)


This has been an odd week. Unproductive.  We went from cold to hot weather, very humid. My cleaner came to start spring cleaning, valiantly vacuuming bushels of Mo-hair, as he sheds even more in the spring.

Today my friend came to put up my deck umbrella and remove the winter covers of the air conditioners. Drills have headlights now, who knew? Marvelous invention. We cleaned the filters and gave them a try, so far so good.

My thrifting friend visited but our outing was a fail, leading us into an urban jungle area---boarded windows, bars on doors, concrete warehouses, 8 foot wire fencing with razor wire, scary!----and we were so lost, even w her Apple Map GPS. Back home we did find a cute little [5 tables and a bar] Central American restaurant to try. The food was served with charming big smiles, I felt so welcome. Okay, the pico de gallo was refried beans with a sprig of cilantro, bit of confusion there. And it poured rain. pico de gallo


Nature Journals:

Only an April Scribble Journal page, no May. May was all about sewing Silent Night and IV treatment, no energy for drawing cartoons or being positive even.

Recent Perpetual Journal  drawings. I'm  almost done with the first half of Year Two. The book is, as you know, tiny. Mistakes and disastrous drawing skills are hard to hide. Here goes.

Black cherry again.



Red clover


Pine ''candle" new shoots on ancient scrub pines



Mo is thrilled that the sun umbrella is up again. Anyone who says dogs/ pugs have no memories is very wrong. Mo remembers everything that he has enjoyed. And he never forgets that a trip to the vet is No Fun, at best.


On a quilty note. I am always defending stores like Joann's, Hobby Lobby and Walmart as sources for quilting fabric. Walmart sells French General! With no quilt shops anywhere within hours of driving, I am grateful to be able to buy a spool of thread or handsewing needle in person. And now and then online Joann's has really great sales of ''quilting prints'' very reduced. So I buy 6-8 yards for quilt backs, with no particular project in mind. The other week I ordered 6 yards of this darling pale pink print. Aren't the mousies so cute! Like Brambly Hedge or Beatrix Potter. 

Looks okay, BUT poor printing on such nasty coarse fabric, I don't even know how to describe it. And! it came in pieces instead of continuous 6 yards. Even for 4.49 a yard and free shipping I feel rather ripped off. What's the phrase---caveat emptor, buyer beware. I learned my lesson [maybe].

Wishing everyone a bright fun sunny weekend!




gone to the beach....

June...fog. And roses.


  1. OH my goodness! Way too early for Halloween. I'm just now wearing shorts! I loved seeing your journals, drawings, scribbles- nothing hideous about them to me!
    I cannot believe that fabric wouldn't come in one continuous piece! I find that bizarre. The print is really cute.

  2. A bit pricey for those Halloween early finds, I feel;)))??? Anyway some cute "window shopping".
    Your drawings are anything but ugly--they are just wonderful, I think...so nicely rendered to reflect the real items you've shown us...Nice works!!
    Too bad about the coarseness of that fabric as it is really a darling print!
    Enjoy your deck--I am headed out to finish my coffee on our deck right now...hugs, Julierose
    P.S. a hug for Mo from moi ;)))

  3. I've never seen anything as wonderful as French General fabric in Walmart but I'll have to take another look soon. You should contact the mouse fabric company and demand your money back. Imagine them thinking that you would want your six yards in random pieces. Insane. Your little art journals are always so fun to see. Sweet memories for the future.

  4. I've never seen anything as wonderful as French General fabric in Walmart but I'll have to take another look soon. You should contact the mouse fabric company and demand your money back. Imagine them thinking that you would want your six yards in random pieces. Insane. Your little art journals are always so fun to see. Sweet memories for the future.

  5. When I was choosing a portable sketch book, I was advised not to choose one with spiral binding because it is too tempting to rip out the sketches I didn’t love. Such a good idea because now I can see my progress and those places where I am still struggling and might need some extra instruction. Thanks for modeling being brave 😄

  6. Halloween in June? When I see holiday items in stores way too early it spoils the actual holiday for me so I avoid any out of season displays. When I'm ready for Halloween and Autumn I'll go looking for them. Your pictures of the beach and all your drawings looks so peaceful - like a summer afternoon should look. That's frustrating about the multiple pieces of the same fabric. I've ordered fabric online lots of times and have only been disappointed once. The color was way off on my screen or their photo and I couldn't use the piece of fabric for what I had intended.
    I'm having the summer "blahs". Can't seem to settle down to anything. My aunt that lived in LA called it "June Gloom". And this time of year it actually was rather gloomy in sunny LA with a mist or thin clouds coming off the ocean and making it seem dreary and shadowy.
    Do you know what? My sewing room is rather glooming since I moved downstairs. It's shaded by the gazebo outside. Maybe that's why I don't feel motivated. Hmmmm?

  7. I love your floral sketches, and your chit-chat. I only get to Tesco/Lidl (supermarkets, the latter somewhat boring if cheaper), and the little local shops these days. Going grocery shopping has to count as "Respite" . . . I got up at 5 a.m. to sew this morning and Gabby's Christmas present quilt, the Moda "Step this Way" is coming together a LOT better than Rosie's crawler quilt did. Nothing like as much use of the stitch ripper or swear words! I even have very accurate seams . . .

    I hope you can shed off the June Gloom. Light in a room you work in makes such a difference - I have to sew on the kitchen table again now as my craft room is now Keith's bedroom. What a shame that the Mouse fabric was such a disappointment.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to my blog. My home is filled now w workman doing needed fix up. Mo and I are bug eyed and exhausted, up at 7 AM [I am NOT a morning person, love late nights...]. I can't imagine sewing at 5 AM, but I suppose maybe the sun is up? and it's a quiet time. Great that the project is going well.

  8. It's crazy to see Halloween things on sale. When I was at Staples the other day I saw that their school supplies are out and on sale. Too early, I thought. And then I was another store and saw, on high shelves, Christmas decorations. Much too early! I would much rather enjoy the season at hand than spend time anticipating seasons in the future. (Though I sometimes think forward to the cool weather of autumn when we are in the midst of summer's heat.)
    Mo, in the baskets, looks so soft and furry. Velvety.
    It's sad about the urban jungle when you were expecting somewhere more fun. But the welcoming restaurant sounds good.
    I love your nature journals, both of them! Your red clover is delightful. The pebble you drew is so interesting. What/where is it from? The lines on it are curious. Pine candle, asparagus, the flowers to the right of the pine candle, and the flowers to the left of the pebble are beautiful.
    I've never seen French General at our local Walmart. (But maybe they sell it online and that's where you found it?) In fact, our local WM is discontinuing their fabric on bolts and will be selling only precuts. They've been trying to stop selling fabric for years.
    It's sad that cute mouse fabric was poor print and poor quality fabric. I am often frustrated with the fabric I buy online.
    I love your last photo, the dune and fence with fog! Beautiful.


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