Good evening! It is actually Sunday night but it'll probably be Monday when you see this. Mo is home from his week away. It's important that he has a familiar alternative place to stay, I am big on planning for all contingencies and emergencies. He had a wonderful time! He played in a real yard, he met friendly dogs, he learned to ride in the back of my friend's Jeep! He helped plant a garden, he rolled in spray paint spatter in the grass...he went to the deli! And to the beach. "just looking, mommy!"
I'm so proud of him. (He is exhausted, LOL)
Speaking of gardens, my seeds are at the two week point. The zinnias have sprouted nicely.
They have a new ladybug stake.
In my wildflower potted gardens I see no sign of the new coreopsis or pink coneflowers, though the returning plants are doing beautifully! As are the red Asiatic lilies.
No pumpkin sprouts. The nights are cold still, veggies like warmer nights.
In this big pot are some mystery volunteers--- Coreopsis, and?? Is this the giant marigolds for two years ago? Are these dahlias?
I am so hoping this patch of seed sprouts is the Mexican Hats wildflower from Lori/ HQ. She lives in a high desert area, not sure if they will grow for me, fingers crossed.
And here is my sad lifeless pot of nasturtiums. I thought they were not going to grow, but today when I poked my fingers in I see the seeds are softening and bright green. Hard shelled seeds maybe just take longer? [should soak next time.]
My pansies are doing beautifully, such a happy spring flower. They love the cool weather.
Out walking there's not much to see right now. Mid May is azalea time here.
And the crepe myrtles look briefly attractive with their red tinged chartreuse leaves.
I sat out one chilly afternoon to sew, felt guilty with Mo being away.
I quilted and sewed this tiny project. A leftover basket block from Julie Porter's Covid Baskets/ Tiny Baskets, made last summer. On one of my FB groups someone asked what is the smallest quilt you have made. This one is 3" square. I have a tiny clipboard to display it. The very narrow binding was an experiment, less that 1/4", carefully glue basted with washable school glue, a recc from Mel, who is not a quilter but is a good creative sewer.
I thought the tiny basket was finished but then I remembered it is going to have antique flower buttons sewed on maybe. We'll see...
And oooh, look, beach tags have been distributed this year, six not just Covid two. Yippee!
have a good week,
gone to the beach....
note the hair plug style grass replantings, meant to help the faux dunes become real. These are on many of the north facing dunes' sides. They were planted three or four years ago, still look awful.
my sewing spot view |