I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bramble Blossom Improv


Hi! For my regular readers, you may see, and feel free to skip, some now-and-then Bramble Blossoms Improv updates. BBI is Audrey/ Quilty Folks improv/ learning sewalong. Of course all posts end w a beach and a Mo pic to make you smile.

I am as always far far behind. My sketches exist only in my mind. But here is my painting [computer painted] that is my inspiration.

This photo is prob how the flowers' jug will be, but it will be my fave blue and white transferware pitcher instead of my white white ironstone pitcher in the photos. [pattern by sarah Sporrer, another project ongoing]

Tulips in an antique jug on the coffee table are sort of a signature ''lizzy'' thing.

And here is my fabric pull so far. Busting free of Civil War repros and taking joy in color. Perhaps the borders can be a useful, usable blue and white. Who knows.


Pitcher fabric but may be too pale, may re-choose.

Backing fabrics: text neutrals.

Back to our regularly scheduled stuff tomorrow or Monday. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all.



gone to the beach......


  1. Lizzy, Wait a second, this IS the good stuff!!!

  2. P.S. love your eclectic fabric pull, exciting for sure!

  3. Excited to see what you make with it all.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Looks like fun winter into spring project!

  4. That should pop with all those colours/prints. My Heritage quilt fabrics are currently out in the open and nagging me but will be carefully laid away again as I have to have some oomph in me to start such a big project.

  5. Your bright palette is going to be wonderful!

  6. Love your computer drawing--tulips in a blue/white vase will be so lovely!
    Love that fabric pull...I, on the other hand, put all my "pulled" fabrics back into stash; I cannot work that way...;000 I have a general idea of colors that will probably change as i move along on the QAL.
    Those are such pretty marigolds--my favorite little vase flower...the deep maroon colors against that golden yellow--so pretty...
    Mine have long been zapped by the frost--but I did save some seeds...will share if you'd like some really petite ones...hugs, from a gal in recuperation after thanksgiving Julierose

  7. I'm so excited that you're joining this quilt-along, Lizzy. You've chosen some beautifully bright and fun fabrics. I love the idea of text fabrics for your background.

  8. Fun choices! I hope you are continuing with PF.

  9. I love everything about your Bramble beginning! I have my center basted but working on binding another quilt before I start the appliqué


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.