I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 17, 2025

Quilts etc_ Looking Forward, Looking Back. 2024-25 PART 2


Okay, gang, I'm back! Time for the rest of this annual post. I did notice I do the same thing every year, but then never refer back to my plans and lists. Oh well. The funny thing is I got a spam comment this morning on last year's post---offering me a special deal on Dumpster rentals. Hint, hint, hahahaha.

To do list---as soon as Silent Night is ironed and sent to my quilter--- or even if NOT! 

(1) Put the recycled borders on Bramble Berries One. Again this is mostly  the daunting [pain, pain!] task of pressing the funky vintage top I am using, an eBay find. Some people are contemplating BB THREE! Imagine that. I love my center still, very much, but one is more than enough.

That said, I have loved following along and learning from Audrey who is so creative and prolific. I love her advice, suggestions, ideas. Thank you, Audrey!

Then--- (2)this will be fun, I hope.

My little friend who I get to be ''auntie'' with now is old enough to want us to make doll clothes. I haven't made doll clothes in years, but I love the idea. A trip to a craft store for glittery fabrics and small notions like snaps may be necessary, also fun.

Then these are the quilts up next. 

(3) The TQC string quilt should be doable as a pick up/ set aside, though it contradicts my plan to make only tiny quilts now.

I will make the large 10" bullseye blocks differently using blog friend Julierose's Ojos method. The components will be cut 6" , for a final 10.5" block.

Then (4) the Cheri Payne Whatnots small folkart quilt.

I've been stymied by the 1" finish squares. My sewing machine chews up tiny bits and spits out a wad. Not fun. But I had the bright idea: put something else. Maybe  a 2" checkerboard, or a mini log cabin, inspired by this TQC project that I love, or?

I even considered Baskets. or Chinese coins. The applique borders, probably a mix of wool and raw edge cottons, will be perfect for outside sewing if and when spring arrives. At which time I'll also pick up Noah's Ark again

(5, 6) Noah's Ark needs 5 - 7 more animals, 3 whales, dove, Ark, the sky. I estimate  as of now the needleturn/ prepped edge applique work is maybe half done.

And if time permits, or a snow day, start on the Jacks' faces.

So this all seems hopeful and not too daunting. I get nervous and freeze if too many projects loom. Though as I set the winter's plan out, I realize it's far too ambitious. I'll be thrilled if I finish Bramble Berries top, I guess.

I'm still finishing December in my perpetual notebooks. Recent work is very poor, I don't draw or paint well if feeling anxious or unwell, it is for me a happy endeavor usually. . [that's my excuse, lol].

Off for Mo's walkies, sunny and 40*, though a south wind gale is due tonight, followed by the Polar Vortex. [cool picture book for kids!]

I made matzo ball soup, found the dumplings box during pantry rotation. Monday is both Martin Luther King Day and the second Trump inauguration. I wonder what MLK would have thought about Mr Trump's agendas and the state of our country all these years later.

Time to plant the winter bulb garden, next post. This was a Christmas gift from me to me. Love the tiny daffs, but the white amaryllis is just a nubbin still. More to come.



gone to the beach....

late summer, a few years ago, summer days to savor!


  1. Could you paper piece those 1" finish squares? Love that Folk Art quilt, but the Summer Strips quilt makes me x-eyed!

    1. Do you mean hand English paper piece? Like hexagons? I could but I don't do EEP, incredibly tedious. Though yes feedback now is I should try the small squares, how discouraging. I will put that project away I guess. The Summer Stripes is less eye boggling in real life [photo], the pics I posted are just the schematic. I love its craziness [I think.]

  2. I Just love your watercolor rose hips--you DO draw and paint so well, Lizzy!
    I know just what you mean about getting overwhelmed with too many projects; that is why I don't list mine out very often...and I had to just choose 3 to work on at a time this year.
    I seem to be mostly doing my Poms--this is a slow stitch by hand...[ btw: as far as 1" blocks--could you make them with a template and sew the seams by hand instead of machine???] I do tho' like your idea of a mini log cabin for the center ;)))
    I just love your Noah's Ark --so vintage and prim looking with those great backgrounds...Such a fun piece....

    I hope this cold front doesn't measure up to what they are predicting or the snowfall; they say 6"-8" for us here!! {"Hello, plow guy?"}'(((
    I do love to watch falling snow I must say.
    Stay warm there and take care
    Hugs, Julierose

  3. So many lovely projects in your plans. I am just in the idea gathering stage for my BB#3 which is fun. I do love your BB#1

  4. I like your idea of concentrating on smaller projects that seem doable to you. Much better than fretting over the big ones that seem never-ending. The summer strips quilt looks intriguing, my stash of bits and pieces of solids could be put to use in a quilt like that. Do you need solids in any particular color to add to your stash - I'll gladly share! I can envision you stitching with your little friend on the deck in summer, enjoying lemonade while creating her dolly outfits. Sounds like so much fun. Happy that you're going to finish off your BB-1, your applique center is so authentically you, love it and it needs to be a finish! Polar vortex arriving here late tomorrow, but today is a rain-snow mix and nearing 40 degrees. Making for a sloppy mess.

  5. Thank you Lizzy! No pressure to keep going on the QAL at all.:) Loving your BBI already and the border fabric looks to be perfect. Hope you can stitch on the things that make sense to you and bring joy throughout the year!

  6. Hmmm, "found the dumplings box during panty rotation." This is quite suspect!! (I think there is an r missing...) By the way, when sewing small squares/triangles etc., it is very helpful to have a piece of waste fabric to begin and end on. This keeps the tiny bits from being pulled down the bobbin hole. So, sew on the first piece of waste fabric and then straight on to sewing the desired seam, then back on to the second piece of waste fabric, stopping with it under the needle. Then cut the threads between the waste fabric pieces and the finished seam on both sides and the desired seam is done!

    1. Thank you! That's hilarious, I missed THAT typo. I proofread so many times, at least 5--but that snuck by. Thanks for the laugh, and heads up, I ll fix it in a moment.
      Yes I know about doing leaders and I suppose I should try...but the machine chews the tiny leader! And tiny bits' seams, and it's very frustrating. Generally I like this Janome, but I have never sewed on a machine that did this.

  7. After reading all the helpful hints on sewing the dreaded 1" finished squares together, I have another suggestion. . . what if someone volunteered to make them for you.
    I would do it. Think about it.
    I enjoy seeing what you have in mind for the year. I must admit that Summer + Strips was a surprise. There is so much going on in that quilt. Will you try to copy/replicate it or will you come up with different colors? I have no particular plans on upcoming projects. I must just be a stick in the mud as I'm just going to work on my current project and then see what comes along. Oh wait, I found a pattern as I was hunting for something else yesterday "a purse quilt" - darling. Maybe the mud isn't as thick as I thought it was - ha!

  8. Lizzy, I've been following your blog for a lot of years and I have absolutely no memory of this quilt! It is beautiful! I love how colorful and scrappy it is while still not seeming wild.
    I'm looking forwards to seeing your Bramble Berries top all sewn together into a finished top. It's a fun one!
    I used to sew clothes for my younger daughter's dolls. I found the sewing tedious sometimes but loved having sweet little clothes for the dolls -- and so did my daughter. Enjoy!
    Could you enlarge the squares in the WhatNots pattern from 1" to 1 1/2" or 2"? It's a delightful quilt and I think the Xs are perfect in the center. Are the squares 1" cut or 1" finished?
    The TQC string quilt fun. For me, all the white (it's SO white) doesn't add to the quilt, but that's just me.
    Noah's Ark is coming along. I'm looking forward to your other animals.
    I hope you and Mo are staying warm. The high was 11 today, low of about 3, but tomorrow the low will be in the negative digits. Bitter cold!

  9. Small is great with me. Your jolly jug of tulips is such a feel good quilt. Love it.
    I remember my gran sewing clothes for my teenage doll in the 60's. We had a special Butterick pattern with wonderful clothes.
    Later, younger daughter started to design and dress Barbie who was passed through the sewing machine space and literally sewn into her creation. Hilarious.
    WhatNots is a gem. I find handsewing small nine~patches is more accurate.
    Noah's Ark is such fun. Really lovely.
    You're so disciplined!

  10. I guess it is about time I get to part 2! Love your projects and we are always more ambitious then reality allows. Don't get anxious, just enjoy the journey. Love the Whatnots quilt of Cheris.


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.