I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, September 14, 2024

In and Out, Out and About

 Good morning! Another hot sunny lovely day. High summer here, almost 80*, hotter in the sun, too. September is so beautiful I almost wish for a break of a rain day. My zinnies are madly blooming, I must water them twice a day. I'll show them off next post! No mums for me this year.

I met a friend for a quick visit and shopping hour the other day. We wanted to get out before Covid rears its ugly head. Many masks being worn! Are they sick and contagious, but out, or being careful not to get sick? Masks to me are a red flag! We had just one hour so a quick ''just for fun'' trip over the bridges to Home Goods.

No Christmas, thank goodness but Halloween prevailed.

Store looked like a slightly upscale Party City.

What is this? A fungus? A dead rose? Creepy. 

I always love the glass pumpkins, though am less attracted the ones made in India w the metal stems; I love the loopy freeform glass stems of the original versions. 

Here is a link to the originals made in USA by Corning Glass. You can make your own at the museum! HERE

Some pretty Fall.

Mushrooms! Toadstools! So cute.

Mushroom sheets--I love them but so silly.

Not much Thanksgiving.  Maybe that special day's lack of commercialization is a good thing?


I hadn't planned to buy anything but after a while ''shopping one's closets'' and reusing gets so boring. [I'll never forget a longtime reader saying she was tired of seeing my faux chocolate Bunny every year! Petty to care but I keep it in mind!]

Basket for a gift planned for my little artist friend.

Loved these mercury glass candles.

I loved the Acorn, he is a bit different. I didn't realize til I got home that the bottom section is a different color, makes it especially interesting and cute.

[I justify candles bec of the constant storms and non-storm related power failures we experience here; oh how I hate redoing all the appliances' clocks, again and again.]

A tiny white Pumpkin for my collection.

And some things for Mo. A new water bowl, some Halloween treats, and a costume.

The costume made me laugh---lahdidah, a Martha Stewart tutu. Mo will wear it as a ruff.

It was a very fast shopping adventure. This is me wating for L to pay for her finds. The line was very very long and slow. LOL.


And off we hurried home. This is a different marsh view than the usual, looking northwest. The WTC Towers would have been visible on the far left horizon before 9/11.

These little marsh islands are beautiful, all white dunes and fishing camp cabins.

One of my long ago dreams was to stay some early fall, in one of these cottages and putter about in my dingy, exploring the white beaches and bird sanctuaries, taking photos, finding treasure. Old seaglass bottles are sometimes found, the cabins [far left, above] have existed for hundreds of years, family squatting rights allowing them to remain in use.

 Fantasies inspired no doubt by this wonderful book:


Noah's Ark update: the prep is tedious but then the sewing goes fast. Half the animals are done.

I made Mo a beaded decorative collar. It needs to be remade with a looser fir.

Oh well, nxt summer, I sighed sadly as I also put away my beloved summer bead bracelets.


This weekend I'm cooking because I have an infusion appointment Monday. Food prep is extra hard this time because deli meats are not an option, due to the Listeria scare. No ham salad for me this time, it's my special post IV treat. HERE

Have a good week, enjoy the beautiful last weeks of summer.



gone to the beach.....


  1. I love your little white pumpkin with that delightful handle. It makes me think of that poem by James Whitcomb Riley called "When the Frost is on the Punkin." You could use that little pumpkin in your holiday decor or in January as well as fall. The water is so intensely blue in your pictures. Dazzling. . .

  2. "The salt house" looks like a lovely read;))) We honeymooned on Cape cod and I've been enamoured of that spot ever since--despite the Summer crowds; the last trip was late Fall right out on the Provincetown tip and it was so special!! :)))
    Your baby white pumpkin is so cute!!
    And I think your Noah's ark will be so special...
    love that camel...
    We are enjoying this wonderful spate of weather--tho' a bit more humid here today, still just such a gift...after this past Summer...
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Your little Noah's Ark quilt is going to be adorable, is it a baby size finish? The animal blocks you've already completed are so sweet. Our weather has been wonderful too. Good sleeping temps at night and high 70s during the day. More and more leaves are turning, mostly gold right now. Hope your treatment goes well and that you can enjoy some of your deck time when you return home.

  4. It looks like Home Goods has a great selection! I love the acorns and especially the one you brought home with two tones of shine.
    You crammed a lot in a short time!
    Your friend may get tired of seeing your chocolate bunny (Is that little rude of her to say so?) which I don't remember but I look forward to seeing your carved angels every Christmas as well as some of your other decorations. I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing them.
    Your Ark blocks are fabulous! I can't remember what sizes they are.
    In the first of your marsh photos, the blue of the sky matches the blue of the water! Amazing!
    I've been meaning to ask: what kind of camera do you use? Your photos are so clear!


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.