I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, August 16, 2024

Souvenir plates and Shell Collections


Happy Friday everyone!

I'm not one to rush the season--I like to savor each day for what it is, what joys it may offer. I love waking up to bright summer sunshine and thinking "let's get things done today!"

My home is all blue and white and will remain so thru September. I love summer!~ [That said, right now it's too hot for me and Mo to walk or have deck hour, that will be later...]

The other week I put up my shell collections and blue and white souvenir plates. No vacation or travel this year--- oh how I miss family days, Cape Cod Augusts---but I enjoy the transferware souvenir plates. They date as early as late 1800s to just made in China last week.

The really good examples are gifts, Statue of Liberty and Cape Cod.

The c. 1960s Chicago is fun. We lived near there when I was growing up. Gifted from my brother.

Note the famous Marshall Field's clock and other familiar places.

I try to only pick up places I have been or interest me to visit someday.

Other pieces sneak in, like this vintage Tiffany Beach Ball plate. "Seaside" is, I think, the pattern name.

Summer daisies, like our September Montauk daisies, a mid century English plate.

A modern but cute and colorful Cape Cod. I love the border details, shells and lobsters.

And my little doll size pitcher collection.

Then some seashell jars and white ironstone jugs.

Small dish from blog friend Penny, Spode? With recent special finds

The coffee table with my fave wicker pineapple and this year a few floats and extra pretty flea market found shells.

The Swedish bench, holding shell strings rescued from TS Debby's winds and the big bowl of Scottish carpet balls [a few modern finds mixed in].

More shell strings hung on the plate rack. I try to make one each year with the winter's finds, though i usually give them away.

And this messy corner holds some of my seaglass collection. I'm looking for another tall jar at Home Goods or the church fair to combine the jars and make them look neater. Of course I have more! A lavender jar, a pottery jar, a cobalt jar, a tiny bottles jar, my mom's Lake Erie and Elizabeth Islands jars etc etc. 

I've asked when I die that these jars be returned to the ocean along with my ashes. Then when someday a grandchild or great grand holds a bit of treasured seaglass in their tiny hands, they'll think of me and wonder it this once was mine. Silly I know--

Off topic, What to do with all those tomatoes you grew or bought at the farmers market? [internet photo]

Make Fried Tomatoes!

Here's a fun traditional/ old fashioned country food recipe from my family. We'd have it once or twice a summer with corn on the cob, fresh picked ten minutes ago at the farm down the road. Good times. [Don't dredge in cornmeal unless you do not want gravy. Even then it's better if you mix the cornmel with white flour.]

Have wonderful August weekend! 



gone to the beach....

PS the zinnies are late but doing better. Mo is loving early mornings in their shade. 


I have seen butterflies finally! A bluette, an unusual Admiral with a black and white underside, and playful white cabbages that always come in pairs, spiraling happily in the flowers and fountain's spray. [internet photo]


  1. I love your idea for the sea glass. Very pretty plate display too.

  2. Absolutely love your idea for your sea glass!

    1. I like thinking of taking it with me, so to speak.

  3. I love your blue/white plate collection--those colors my faves for dishes...
    I have one tall canning jar full of sea glass Mom and I collected on our walks...here...I really like your idea of putting them in a collection of jars--You really know how to stage a season so well;)))
    Overcast and muggy this morning--really we could use some good rainfall--just dribs and drabs here lately...
    Enjoy your deck time with Lil Mo..;)))
    Hugs, Julierose

  4. I think returning to the ocean is a beautiful idea. I live in the countryside in the middle of England but long for the Cornish coast. Too late now, but oh how things could have been different had Fate allowed.
    I too decorate my house seasonally. Christmas it's throughout, but my sitting room follows all seasons. The hearth and mantelpiece are currently adorned with jars and vases of sea glass, and shells I've collected throughout my life, some things I've made too, and all have happy memories. The front door has a seasonal wreath, all of them decorated by me, and most of them made from scratch, the shape made from willow grown in my garden. The summerhouse has a blue and white theme and is also packed with even more shells, beach finds, things and displays I've made, souvenirs brought back from our trips, and wonderful holiday memories. I'm in my happiest place when standing on a beach, looking out across the blue sea with my wonderful husband.
    Sadly now my late husband, so just the memories now.

    1. What a wonderful comment. Your home sounds delightful. I will look to see if you have a blog and show your seasonal treasures.
      I'd love to visit Cornwall someday. Tho in my travels I can be very judgmental, nowhere so far has the giant sugar white beach I have here.

      Thanks for visiting, pls visit again.

  5. Blue and white plates are the best? I have six Spode plates hung horizontally on a column in my living room. Blue and white is always so crisp and clean. The mementos of summer are fun to see and remember back to fun care free times. Hope you can find the glass jar you need to compile your collection.

  6. Hi Lizzy - I found you through Going Gently. I love this post and your wonderful pictures. I'll certainly be back. :) Katie

  7. You have a good collection of souvenir plates. I especially like the Cape Cod one with the ovals around the edge and the Statue of Liberty in the center.
    I think your blue and white home is perfect when you live near the ocean.
    If you have guests over do they ever want to take the shells out of the jars to examine them? Maybe that would be bad manners to ask?
    You have an amazing collection of sea glass. I look for it whenever I'm at the ocean but I think I've found only one or two pieces. Maybe it took you years to find all yours?
    The little white butterflies with two dots are so delicate and beautiful.


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