I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Miscellany and Musings - Recipe Fails and Surprises in the Mail


Hi everyone. Fourth of July was a looong weekend, wasn't it. After all these years my little midwestern girl's heart is amazed to sit on my deck and watch the BIG and small fireworks events over the ocean. This year there were again boat cruises and helicopter trips. I'd love to fly into the fireworks display, wouldn't you! google image

Today the Post office finally woke up again and delivered not one but two exciting packages!

One a box of flea market finds from my brother and sister in law [another post for them]---and, finally my winter quilt finishes are back from my quilter.

Oh so exciting, her skillful work brings my ideas to magical life. Separate post on these fun things later too.


Yesterday my friend L and I made the long drive to Joann's Fabric store. It's quite far and the only fabric shop  near us [before you scoff and scorn].

Multiple different bridges, maybe an hour or so in mostly heavy traffic. These bridges are over the eastern bay and attract a lot of sport fishing boats.

We had heard so much about how JoAnn's is bankrupt and stores are closing. Big sales advertised online. There was the cutest Singer straight sewing/ extra machine on IG. $24.oo.  Bec I just know my current machine will go on the fritz anytime soon and Covid closed all the repair shops here. But no, and nothing seemed on sale either. Not a spool of cotton thread to be seen, just dual duty poly.

It was fun to see rows and rows of colorful fabric! But the store was a mess, a pet peeve of mine. 

The line to get fabric yardage cut was almost out the door. And they charged me 2.oo for a shopping bag, 99 cents at Home Goods.

I did get much needed graphed mylar, as I still often make templates both for applique and piecing. And cute beads for a collar for Mo and projects for little friends.

Elastic to fix my shorts which keep falling off. Not sure if I'm losing weight or if the old elastic in the LL Bean washed canvas standby shorts is just old and needs replacing.

Always have to buy a fat quarter or two. Blue for Noah's Ark animals, and pineapples just because, well, pineapples.

Mo's groomer gave him this beautiful bandanna last visit. I d love to make it into a pillow for summer beach vibes, even if no, it  doesn't ''go'' with my blue and white summer decor.

And my flyaway hair always needs fun clips and barrettes.

Listed as available on their website but not in the store were these wonderful retro Halloween prints! I wanted them for the backing of my Jackolantern project, but wanted to check the quality before buying.

Same print in pink, oooh.

And I need a couple little tables for my deck. These too were listed as in stock at the store, but none to be found. $19.99.

L got beautiful fleece to make nap blankets! In this heat! We were exhausted! It was hot at JoAnn's, away from the ocean, almost 90*. Mo says it's not the heat it's the humidity.


Cooking: One night I left the burgers to defrost too long on the counter. Didn't dare eat them. And I made this recipe: a Thai slaw, w peanut sauce. https://www.saltandlavender.com/thai-chicken-salad-peanut-dressing/   Salt and Lavender Thai Peanut Slaw  [I made mine without chicken. And still--16 ingredients or more--that I had to buy specially for this project.] 

photo from website

I adore Thai peanut sauce noodles or salads! But---It was so nasty and disgusting. One of my worst fails ever. All those $$ ingredients! Hour spent chopping and mixing. Sooo disappointed. I must give the IG chef-poster credit bec when I posted a comment that the result was so bad, she did immediately contact me and extensively chatted, trying to help me figure out what went wrong. To no avail, though now I am wondering if the precut slaw mix had spoiled. I didn't taste it, just rinsed and used it. I really hate to throw out food! First the burgers, then the slaw. Too bad.


Brief garden update: why are plants so slow?

Not my usual seed company? Humidity and lots of salt wind damage. Only the little marigolds have peeked out,

and the grand yellow coreopsis, on the second blooming.

They need yet another deadheading; and you can see that their foliage is very wind damaged and scraggly.

Have a great week!



gone to the beach....


  1. Great pineapple fabric!! Too bad you couldn't find a lot of stuff at JoAnnes!!
    And so sorry your recipe didn't work out!! I hate when you go and buy special ingredients and then it doesn't work out!! I had a similar thing with the tortallinni pasta salad I made--the pasta tasted like rubber despite being marinated all day long!! Ugh. We salvaged the other ingredients and made a salad out of them for dinner though...
    SO very humid here--we are totally fog bound--as so you must be tonight...hang in there
    hugs, Julierose

  2. So sad about the slaw recipe! It sounded and looked so good. Maybe the premix was old, as you thought, it happens sometimes. So fun to get your quilts back from the quilter! Looking forward to seeing each of them featured with more photos. Your brother and SIL are dears to send along thrifted surprises. Hot here again though we did have a couple nights where it cooled enough to pull a quilt over myself before morning. Tomorrow we're scheduled for a visit from Beryl, hopefully only an inch or so of rain here, overgrown garden will love it.

  3. I don’t understand the Joann’s situation. The one near me seems well stocked but also. Ore aisles with lots of junk clearance

  4. Our Joanns is an hour away too. Really only buy thread and backing fabric there, but it would be sad if it goes out of business! Lovely to get your winter quilts back! Very exciting.:)

  5. Sorry that the shopping trip was disappointing. At least you got a few things you needed.

    The quilts look FAB. Can't wait to see the Fleamarket finds.

  6. What a treat to have your quilts all quilted. The one on your bed looks terrific and don't worry I didn't see any purples like the last time, just lovely blues and black. It truly is a delightful quilt. I haven't been to my local Joann's for a while. I usually just buy notions or yarn. I do love when their flannel is on sale. I miss Hancock's and Cloth World and all those who have gone out of business. Thank goodness for the quilt shops that are still open. That's so disappointing to hear about your recipe disaster. I keep trying new things and they seldom turn out. So I revert back to the sturdy pioneer fare that I was raised on. Love the pineapples.

  7. Yeah for getting your quilts back from the quilter. Those blues in the bottom quilt look so inviting.
    I go to JoAnn occasionally, for cottong quilting thread, especially, notions, and to look at the fabric. My machine doesn't like the dual duty poly and it's hard to find poly/cotton to use for clothing. I'm usually disappointed by the selection at JoAnn, but the store you went to looks like it has a great selection quilting cotton. I like the blue dots and pineapples. Nothing like that around here. Too bad about the mess.... Sometimes they have coupons online.


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