I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 26, 2024

Another Box from the Mail Guy!


Good evening everyone. It's been quite the lovely summer day today, and the prettiest pink and blue glowing sunset too.

another day, another sunset

 However--the much promised cold front and ''dangerous'' thunderstorms never materialized. We had a few drops of rain, maybe last Monday? And certainly no cold front, 81* today, the deck tiles and outside house walls just radiated heat, even just now as Mo and I went to tie up the umbrella and admire the twinkly lights of the many ships out on the horizon.  Unusually for Mo, after he had his chew toy chewed he immediately asked to come back inside. He has been shunning his cozy beds and splatting out on cool wood or tiled floors instead. His tummy lesion finally stopped bleeding today; chronic eye infection back and icky. Mo is having a rather miserable time this summer, poor mite.


So...? What was in that other box, you are wondering....

That box contained such a surprise---Christmas in July! I was so delighted. It was filled with gifts from my brother and SIL who have the great good fortune to live in the Midwest, heart of flea market country. 

Springfield Flea Market and Extravaganz
a  posts often on Instagram, and I have fun sending  screenshots to my no-IG brother. I sent him a pic months ago of a truck bed full of gorgeous handmade rag rugs. He texted back that he knew the seller, imagine that. And...they got me the rug. I love it. It's handwoven then overdyed  a rich indigo blue. flea links at the end of the post

I was just astounded. I will save it til Fall probably , def until Mo's tummy is healed.

It's so subtly beautiful.

And the little treasures.

My brother often asks what can he look for for me. I have many many collections and I try to limit my requests to small and not too expensive items.  His/ SIL's finds often show up in my Christmas box! How fun is that. Some years they even use thrifted or flea-ed wrapping paper and cards. 

I love sewing pincushions of the tomato variety. And emery strawberries to go with too. 

Someday I'll have enough tomatoes to fill my big wooden bowl for late summer display.

Another person's gathering: HERE

Some are newer, some older, even handmade. This one has the sweetest tiniest emery berry you can imagine.

And this handcrafted antique berry is big, filled with real emery powder [ heavy] with the leaves hand embroidered in green wool yarn.

I also collect old thimbles. Note reds, blue, orange! Two are celluloid.

Yes I admire the silver and gold fancy ones, I'd love a gold mini for my charm bracelet---but what catches my heart are the old junky  inexpensive---free! back then giveaways:  plastic, celluloid, Bakelite---even aluminum or brass utility thimbles. 

Extra points if they have ads, like this gasoline one. Imagine buying gas and being given a thimble. Beyond quaint.  It was very loved and used; misshapen by hours and years of mending, hemming, quilting.

And so many. I have more than 50 thimbles now, my estimate, they fill a small yellowware bowl at the moment. I'll have to count them.

This was just so fun for me. Christmas in July---yes!


On a little quilting note I sewed my pineapple block for my summer handwork Sara Sporrer  / Favorite project.

But I'm lagging on the embroidery. I really hate embroidering, esp simple words in stem stitch, ugh. It's actually ruining Summer Sewing Hour for me as I uncharacteristically procrastinate to avoid the task. BUT I like the look. What to do, stop embroidering while I can? Maybe. I only have a couple done , could pick the stitched out? Your thoughts?

Have great weekend!



gone to the beach....

Springfield Flea and Extravaganza:

https://www.instagram.com/springfieldextrav/  or click HERE

website:  https://jenkinsandco.com/springfield-antique-show/   https://jenkinsandco.com/

click here


  1. That indigo rug is so beautiful;))) How great to receive those gifts in the mail--love those tomato pincushions...and the thimbles, too--great collections. Poor Mo, I empathize as we are having quite the Summer here, too.
    i am MIA for a while--wearing my Nursing/Nagging cap today!! Hugs, Julierose

  2. That indigo dyed rug is beyond beautiful! You are so for fortunate to have a brother who loves the same things as you and is close enough to the land of thrifts to snag these treasures for you. I love your pineapple block just the way it is, no need to add embroidery if you don't want to. The pineapple fabrics are perfect! A bit cooler here the past couple days, much appreciated, though I was a bit chilly picking blueberries early this morning in the 48 degree chill. My hands felt frozen by the time I came back inside. But perfect now for porch sitting and watching the hummingbirds!

  3. That blue rug is lovely but I am especially smitten with the fabric underneath those pin cushions!

    1. The blue fabric is a dishtowel from Home Goods.

  4. lovely little trinkets...my mom had an old tomato with the emery strawberry that came to me...and i have an aluminum thimble from coca-cola...an advertising one!

    1. Wonderful sewing treasures from your mom. And a Coca Cola thimble, so cool.

  5. I love the rug. I don't blame you for wanting such a lovely useful country rug. I'm sorry Mo is having to put up with an eye infection on top of the tummy situation. Wish I could go to that Flea Market. It looks like so much fun on IG. Isn't it funny how there are just some things we dread to do. I don't mind the embroidery at all but I do drag my feet when it comes to the corners on binding.

  6. Your beach pics are such a treat. Dear Mo; hope he feels easier soon.
    How marvellous to have 'agents' who look out for you. The rag rug is a winner. I remember using plastic thimbles when we did simple stitching indifferent colours on hopsack at junior school. The tomato collection works so well in the beautiful blue and white dish.

  7. Mailed boxes are so fun! You never know what's inside but for you, when it comes from your brother and SIL, you can probably guess that whatever's inside will be wonderful.
    That blue rug is perfect for you! It's gorgeous. (I learned to weave to make rag rugs.) I'm surprised the over-dye didn't turn the red purple. It's wonderful it remained red.
    The tomatoes and thimbles are such fun. I wonder how they kept the emery powder from sifting out of the tomatoes, especially the wool one. I'm not sure but I thought emery powder was really fine.
    Poor Mo. I hope his tummy lesion has healed by now, as well as his eye infection. It's hard to see our pets uncomfortable, in pain, or in misery. I hope all is well with him by now!
    Your pineapple looks great! I love the red stars at the bottom. As for the embroidery--I'm not a fan of doing it, either. Would it be too tacky to use a Micron pen to create the lettering? Could you leave the ones you've embroidered and not do the embroidery on others? Who would know how the designer created them?


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.