I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 24, 2024

Out and About ~ Welcome Summer


Hi everyone! Summer has arrived! We went from down jackets to shorts in just a couple days. [or is it just a cruel hoax by evil Springtime?]. My friend L has the best birthday, always Memorial Day weekend. We went out earlier this week for some fun shopping---she is such a sweetheart, so good-natured, she indulged my choices, albeit packed in a two-hour window of time.

First returns to Old Navy! All the shorts and the gauze sundress I was so excited about were waaaay too big. Girls, we'd all fit in that dress! Then Trader Joe's for potted herbs. But no tarragon or rosemary or lavender.

Instead I got cheeses, peonies, and rainbow radishes.

Yum. They will be a maybe inspiration for the next [faux] Sarah Sporrer hand app'ed block.

The peonies are so beautiful! And stock. More on this later.

Then we went to the little, not so little? church flea market.

It was very well stocked, halfway between thrift-shop and flea.

They let us in! I thought it opened at 2 PM but nooo, new hours are 5-7 pm. It was lovely with no other shoppers. L just left cash by the door for her find. I didn't buy but had so much fun looking. [notice the interesting ceiling in the old rec hall, like a reverse Viking ship, w teak buttresses etc!]

Lots of china...

I loved the teapot with the white-on-white dimensional flowers, below/ center far left.

Interesting linens.

Once I'd have snapped up this jar of buttons but as the years go by, I want less not more, sadly.

Sometimes good things are shoved under the tables, like these ironstone platters. I like the square ones to hold quilt blocks in work.

Holidays! Have to keep an open mind, they do nice booths for pretty much year-round cast offs. Halloween ~

love both matte punkin and BOO mug.


Turkey platters

Nice pink transferware Woods platter, scene of Pilgrims and Indigenous people at First Thanksgiving.


Back home I arranged my flowers. 

They almost look like a bride' bouquet.

peonies don't last long but just once a year they're a  must for me.

The pretty bouquet inspired me to begin the switch to just blue and white for summer.

I left this photo, even though Mo, left home alone, made chaos of the cushions, because you can sort of see my big widows and how they look right out to the dunes and ocean.


I worked hard all week, here is an update on Silent Night. Its main body is put together and oh my goodness, even without the borders it is enormous. A monster quilt. I'll make the borders as narrow as possible but the applique prevents much trimming on three sides. It's just so much too big, sigh.


Mo had his annual ten years old checkup. He got a good report! We had the really nice vet who understands Pugs, but I was still worried sick all week. But good news, "in good shape for ten!" Yay, Mo.

Tomorrow is planting day, I hope. My back and hips are so painful. Then I have one more week til June 1 to finish Giant Night, its new name.

Google pic. These red clover have returned with the coreopsis. 

Have a great weekend! Welcome Summer of 24.



gone to the beach...


  1. Love the pineapple pillow

    1. It was a tryout block from my Blue Pineapples quilt.

  2. What a lovely bouquet; lots of fun items at that flea market!:))) I love your blue and white decor items...so summery...
    A lot of hours in that large quilt!! Loving all those stars...and Mr. Snowman...great job on this one..
    .hugs for a great Memorial Day weekend...good for Mo's sterling report!! Julierose

  3. I must tell you, I love reading your blog. Does that sound silly? I hope not, I just wanted you to know, that you bring me a bit a joy with every posting. So glad Mo got a good report.

    1. Thank you! I love that you enjoy my blog, I always try to make it pretty and entertaining, a sweet break in my reader's day/ week. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  4. ocean photos make me so homesick for new england...what a fantastic elephant sale...something for nearly everyone

    1. We always think we have the best beach! The church fle is great, looking at the pics I see all these things I d have liked to buy---but do not need.

  5. I always love to go thrifting with you, I always get to return to reality with all my cash! Your peonies are so lovely, especially the one with the bit of fuschia, so delicate. Our peonies are about to burst into bloom, always look forward to that.

  6. Oh my - another fun adventure. I too find I am wanting less these days and I am happy to have reached this point. I have peonies in my garden but we are still cold and grey so it may be awhile before they bloom. Happy weekending.

  7. Gosh, you crammed a lot in two hours! It's too bad about the clothes from Old Navy. Don't you think manufacturers are altering clothing sizes these days? What used to be a 12 is now a 16, etc.?
    It's too bad you can't get to a nursery to get your tarragon, rosemary, and lavender. But maybe T.J.'s will have them next time you go. But the peonies and stock are gorgeous! Our house has a row of pink peonies, planted by previous owners. Other years I've brought some inside but don't now because of the cats that visit so often.
    I'm so glad you were able to get into the tag sale. I think churchs and other organizations often have the best sales because so many people donate items to sell. Do they replenish the sale from week to week? The red and cream striped chair caught my eye....
    I know what you mean about wanting less, not more. I'm the same way these days. Sometimes I'll carry something around while I look, enjoying it for those few minutes, then put it back. I'm usually really good at talking myself out of things I want but don't need.
    I try to imagine what it would be like to have a home with a view of the dunes and the ocean out the windows. Amazing!
    So glad Mo received a clean bill of health. As for the pillows: don't you wish you had a camera so you could see his pillow play in action? Does he use his nose to move them or burrow into them, or does he bounce around on them or...?
    And so sorry Giant Night is so large. (I think you prefer smaller quilts?) For me it's hard to figure out the finished sizes of quilts. If you use a cotton batting it will shrink a little, if that's any help. I think it looks wonderful.

  8. Spring is so fickle! I am so happy we had hot weather on the Polynesian Island! A little taste of summer. Our evening temps have still dipped into the 30's! Looks like this week we are in for a pleasant change.
    Love your shopping photos! How fun to get out with your friend and visit and see what's new.
    I need to update my decor to summer- I always love your blue and white.

  9. Giant Night! What a scream you are. I'm sure it feels like a marathon effort. Well done.
    I'm so pleased that Mo had such great results - such a big relief.
    It's fun taking a tour of the church white elephant sale with you.
    I love the S Sporrer radish inspiration. It'll be a winner, I'm sure. Can also see a few sketches as well.
    Your view over the dunes to the horizon beyond is glorious. the changing light on the sea and sky would keep me from doing anything!
    As always, thank you for your beautiful beach shots. It's so easy to imagine walking along beachcombing.

  10. Giant Night! What a scream you are. I'm sure it feels like a marathon effort. Well done.
    I'm so pleased that Mo had such great results - such a big relief.
    It's fun taking a tour of the church white elephant sale with you.
    I love the S Sporrer radish inspiration. It'll be a winner, I'm sure. Can also see a few sketches as well.
    Your view over the dunes to the horizon beyond is glorious. the changing light on the sea and sky would keep me from doing anything!
    As always, thank you for your beautiful beach shots. It's so easy to imagine walking along beachcombing.

  11. That's great that you persisted and got your "Silent Night" top all finished. It turned out really nice. It always feels like the people, whose blogs I read, get things done so quickly and I'm still plodding along on my projects. But, it's the magic of reading about it and actually doing the work. So, it seems like this was a quick finish but that's only because you were constantly working on it when I wasn't looking. I hope the flowers turn out well for you this summer. I've got a planter that still needs to be planted - maybe today.


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