I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Early May Quilt Updates ~ Bramble Blooms1: 03, Silent Night, Christmas Planning!


Hi everyone! I missed last week's post, that has never happened before. I had a plan w a friend to do nature walks and take blog pics at the nature preserve and surfing beach. But high winds and driving cold rain , and severe back pain put a stop to that plan. Was so hoping to see baby birds and wildflowers, disappointing.

I more or less met my Silent Night goal! All 24 white stars are sewed, tho I am lagging in the trimming challenge with the hip and back pain.

I also resewed that section of removed applique bottom section, tho the borders that will go on last are still a mystery to me. I  know what to do---but what was I thinking four years ago?

Then I have to cut the upper spacer blocks, 6 light, 11 dark snowmen/ stars prints 8 1/2" squares..


Bramble Blooms 1, Part Three is to create patchwork surroundings to make the central medallion into a ''quilt''. If you check out Audrey's posts and the SAL Linky, you'll see how beautifully many of us/ others accomplished that. click here

But I am with blog friend Julierose, saying maybe I should quit after part two. As it is, it's a perfect size to hang on a cupboard or blanket chest. Maybe a May Day door hanger?


I ordered some KF fabrics to encourage myself to at least try. 

Aren't they wildly inspiring!

I love the rainbows!

below: Could this be a no sew way to emulate the part three Patchwork? 

And this is so cute, called Fish Lips, tho I call it Chicken Lips or Chicken Kisses instead, I'm bad with names, hahahah.

Auditions: tryouts along the left on the pics.



I was sent this purple dot in error but FQS told me to keep it and that they'd immediately send the right block and white, intended as contrast to the charm square brights. The witchy dot will be great with my Halloween string quilt, that exists only in my imagination.

Or, very off topic, this is a screenshot from IG; a complex pattern like this would truly make the painterly medallion step back, refocus the project into a true quilt. 

And I also  auditioned a variety of ideas using finished small quilts. These are not for specific design, but for color and effect.

I will probably stick with my idea from eBay, of the bright random 9-Patches. 


Meanwhile I bought this darling tiny quilt pattern from designer Julie Porter. I just love it! I plan to make for a couple of friends who sew; stuffed with sawdust and lavender maybe, like pin keeps or bowl fillers.

Yes the design is so similar to TQC pumpkins I made a few years ago---and I could draft it myself for free. But I prefer to buy creative patterns now and then, I feel it's important to support fellow quilters who share their creative talents as a career.


This week I also got sidetracked because a friend asked for one of my hand drawn bookmarks for her birthday. I think it came out well?

It's so much harder to produce an acceptable painting for a special request; the scribble journal notes come so easily and always look the best.


Mo had a spa day. Look at that face--he knew something was going on, a slight schedule change alerts him every time.

He loves the groomer, the person, but hates getting his feet wet and nails done. [Most pugs are pathologically aghast at having their paws touched, even just as a pet or shake-hands.]
Right now Mo is enjoying the blue sky out on the deck. Tail unfurled, he is still miffed here. Betrayed and bathed.

I had planned to replace my big old very old pots but the lilies and coreopsis shot up in April's cold and rain. Too big to transplant now.

My friend brought me two beautiful ceramic pots from a house cleanout he did.

I wonder what this plant is in both of them. It's quite pretty and dainty---but is it a weed?

edit, w thanks for readers for ID : ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy, coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort, 

Tonight I have pot roast and polenta from Trader Joe's for dinner and leftovers. Not in a cooking mood. Tuesday is the only day I watch TV [and knit]: HGTV Farmhouse Fixers and PBS Finding Your Roots. I love the historic old Massachusetts houses featured on FF, some dating from the 1600s.

Have a good week.

The modern Tarot sends contradictory messages some mornings?????



gone to the beach......

Quilty Folk blog and Linky  HERE


  1. You have so many fun fabric choices to finish off your BB-1! I love the idea of rainbows surrounding the beach balls but many other fabrics will work equally well. We're anxiously awaiting Gibbs first real spa visit in June (she's booked three months ahead!). He's not very cooperative when we try to trim and bathe him and we're too old for wrestling matches any more. We had a perfect day today, mid 70s and sunny, and amazingly no flies or gnats near the creek. Got my tomatoes transplanted into bigger containers-they won't go into the garden until the first of June. Enjoy your deck time!

  2. So many things to say about this post! I love the chicken lips fabrics so much and I think you are on track with your original ideas. I am in the process of making my quilt grow 😂 also, all those beautiful planters - love them. And finally, I am struggling so much with meal planning and cooking - ugh

  3. Hi 👋, the mauve trailing plant is ivy leaved toadflax. A weed is only a plant in the wrong place. I used to pull up this plant but now I embrace it. It’s so delightful and covers many dull inhospitable places where other plants wouldn’t grow.

    1. Thank you, that's good to know. I do think it's pretty, tho I d prefer it in my wildflower pots. I ll probably keep at least some it, free ''lobelia'', and hardier.

  4. Just love that hand drawn bookmark--so pretty--nice work!!
    My BB1 finally deigned to let me expand it a bit--but for now it is D O N E!! I love how yours is turning out--you kept in the prompts and yet it is still "you"!! i wasn't able to do that as well for sure;000
    Sorry about your back/hip pain--you are right, cutting is not a good occupation when that happens...hope you feel better soon....
    hugs, Julierose

  5. oh yes kaffe fabrics are always inspiring...love the fish lips...may have to indulge a bit...

    1. The KF names are often so amusing! I think it also comes in a fuchsia/ royale blue combo.

  6. So much beauty in all your photos- I applaud your creativity! Love thst Baby Moe and you too my dear!

    1. Thank you Sue! Lovely to see a comment. We love you too!

  7. My plant ID says the plant is pennywort..Lynda

    1. Thank you! I updated my post to show that it is '' ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy, coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort"

  8. So sorry that the winds and rain, and your back pain, prevented your walk at the nature preserve. Disappointing, for sure!
    How wonderful that you were able to sew all the stars for your quilt. They look great! You're making good progress. Sorry about the back pain that makes cutting so hard. I find cutting a challenge, too, if I have to do it for very long. (Degenerative disc pain that radiates out and down.) Maybe you can do one or two at a time over a few days?
    Your Bramble Blooms is so bright and happy! With these sewalongs it's always tempting to stop at a point where we're happy with what we have. (I'm not there yet!) But don't you ever wonder what a quilt could become if you keep going with the next prompt? You have such fun fabrics, so bright and happy. What a name, Fish Lips! It seems promising as an outer border. I'll look forward to your next steps with BBI.
    Your new quilt pattern is delightful.
    What a beautiful bookmark. I love the little paintings. They are amazing.
    Does Mo eventually feel happier after a bath/groom? I gave Nona a bath this morning. She did great but didn't love getting doused with water, but she was so happy afterward, playful and bouncy.
    I've never seen toadflax before and didn't know one of its other names was pennywort. What beautiful flowers. My nephew is part-owner of a gift shop in Pittsburgh called Toadflax.
    We don't have cable TV, so no HGTV for me, but Farmhouse Fixers sounds like an interesting program. How I wish I had the energy to fix an old house, or even improve our current house.


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.