I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, July 10, 2023

The First Zinnia Has Bloomed

Hello hello everyone, on a dreary late Sunday in July. 

The oddly placed holiday has me confused, should have posted Friday, but I figure no one cares/ we're hot, tired/ busy, am I right?

The first zinnia bloomed just before the 4th. Planted June 1, flowers by July 1.

Every morning Mo and I hurry out to the deck for his pit stop, pre-walkies. [He has a potty station.].

We take deep breaths, check out the waves, the ocean, the ships---and in the summer, it is such a great joy to discover what is growing, what has bloomed.

I put up the umbrella and Mo naps, even though he just woke up. He is after all a Pug.

The coreopsis--volunteers in their fourth and third years, are, I think, g0rgeous. Just the happiest, free-est, most charming flowers I have ever grown.

I have classic yellow,

and now profusely, the cutie painted variety


Sadly the red lilies, 10 plus year survivors, and the cannas from last year that grew as perennials in these big old pots, have not reappeared. I miss them, both were Mothers Day gifts from my son.

But I'm very pleased with the early seeds of cosmos. Usually cosmos doesn't bloom for me til Fall, but these Dollar Store seed packets said ''early bloom''. No disappointment for 59 cents. Quite a few more, in assorted colors, have bloomed since I took these photos just a day or two ago.

In this corner I'm babying along the supposedly blue amaryllis bulb. It was very small on arrival last winter, may need a few years. Will it actually be blue?

This is my wildflower meadow pot.


I have a sunflower! Yay. And a pretty blue thing that I have no picture of. An herb of some sort.

And lots of this plant! Is it a weed ? an herb? What.

My zinnias, pots large and small. 

Just starting, crisply green at this point.

Traditional marigolds:

And this very sweet very red tiny--zinnia?

I thought it is a Lilliput Zinnia, but today I was staring at the stalks and leaves. I thought, "Very weed-like for zinnias, not typical. How odd.'' And a moment of sudden realization. These are the hilariously named Tithonia Torch, sounds like a pole dancer in a men's club!--aka Mexican ''sunflowers". HERE

The blurb says they may grow 4 feet tall! And attract pollinators: butterflies, bees, hummingbirds. How exciting. Another Dollar Store find.

I like them a lot. . Aren't they adorable, tint and cute, NOT zinnias.


We have had iffy weather and I'm not doing a good job of getting in the afternoon sewing groove. We went pretty much overnight from chilly and windy to too warm, almost hot. But worse: HUMID. I used to argue with my ex husband that we needed to air condition for the humidity as much  as for the heat. I actually don't mind hot so much, but I hate when the walls drip and the beds feel wet. Most of my furniture has drip marks, salt and humidity [bec obviously ex won the AC battle, lol.]

So Poor Mo has had a few indoor days. This was a smoke alert day. He is sulking with his dollies. And you can see the creamy white worn floor gets much darker in the wood's grooves, when damp.

The house is blue and white again, though not really tweaked into summer vibe yet. I was gifted with a fabulous new vacuum, hint hint hint. This unpleasant sight is one run over the living room rug this morning. The cleaners came just over a week ago. Mo and his pug glitter have prevailed. The new vac is very cool.

More tee shirts. Only one has been a dye run problem so far. More Retayne tomorrow.

''Summer afternoon, summer afternoon...''



gone to the beach.......


  1. Loving those zinnias--just super colors!! And the coreopsis is so pretty!! So far my marigolds haven't bloomed-; this rain should help them along I think...
    We feel as though we have been holding our breaths with all those dark gray clouds and now we can give a big sigh of relief as the rain pours down on us;)))
    I have my little table topper half pin basted--
    will try to finish it this morning.
    This week we are getting quotes on our old, ailing AC unit!! $$$ for sure...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Gosh, they don't take long to grow do they? Looking really pretty out on your deck. Humidity like that would kill me - got to 74% here and I couldn't move and had to stay indoors.

    Those clouds look pretty threatening.

    I am trying to get myself enthusiastic about sorting out the last (lost the other bit in our move!) side for a lovely quilt which has been gathering dust so to speak in the trunk beside my bed. I will go and get the replacement fabric out now, and find the quilt stencil and make the most of an afternoon when I am pooped. It's rained non stop all morning so too wet to garden.

    1. Thirty dayys, seed to flower for the zinnias, which makes them fun. The humidity creates powdery mildew tho. I am told I can spray to prevent that.
      The humidity does hurt my bones. But it is part of life living on a beach. Rarely less that 85% during the summer, here and in many parts of the US. Maybe that's why Americans have so embraced airconditioning.
      I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt in progress.


  3. Sure is nice to see all those pretty, colorful flowers when it is 111 F here. Hot and drab here so only getting out mostly in the evenings. We have a new kitty so shedding is back in our life. Gotta get some more lint rollers. :)

  4. Love your summertime flowers! I love cosmos but they do not do well here.
    That humidity is killer! One reason I love the desert. :)

  5. Your flowers--all of them!--are so beautiful, Lizzy. I'm almost envious. I would plant pots here but our yard is so shaded. The long driveway and side yard is shaded by honey locust tress, there's a huge ash in the front yard, and a huge maple and cherry trees in the back. It's hard to find a lot of sun for sun-loving flowers to grow. I do have one lavender in a pot that's doing okay.
    I love cosmos, too, not just for the beautiful flowers but for their fern-like foliage. I have not heard of Tithonia Torch before but the name does make me laugh.
    I know A/C cools the air but sometimes it doesn't feel like it takes care of the humidity like I wish it would. And if the dew point is above about 50 degrees, it can feel like high humidity. It's all worse when both humidity and dew point are high. For me, high humidity is much worse than high temperatures.
    Congrats on your new vacuum. It looks like it's very effective for pet hair.


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