I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 1, 2023

A New Year Beach Walk

Good morning, friends, and welcome 2023! 


The new year has dawned bright, sunny, and warm! [my neighbor is wearing shorts w his puffer vest! Another neighbor has set out a planter box of real poinsettias on her front porch!]. What a change from Christmas's frigid temps, from sub zero wind chill to now 50 plus degrees. Mo thinks it is a great day to sit out and sew but my friend came before the Christmas storm and helped me bungee and weight down all the deck furniture,

...so instead let's enjoy our annual New Year beach walk.

The dunes are scraped and tattered by the hurricane force winds last week. I was scouting for pretty weeds and pods to draw if I do a nature journal, but no. HERE

A few tenacious bayberries are all I found.

Some fluffy weed heads. Not really inspiring or attractive, are they.

Tiny bird and animal tracks.

The shell garden and Par Ducks. 

I will have to paint a few shells to bring.

Maybe a ladybug? A pug? A motto...


Back home: I brewed a hot cup of Earl Grey and examined my pocket junk finds.

These are stainless steel not copper, photo is misleading. The larger hoop is a motto bracelet, a gift from a friend not a street find.  At first I thought the water hose clamp was a similar bracelet and the smaller hoop an earring, but No, just junk.

On my morning table, the Christmas books are put away. This will be my January read, along with simple knitting.

I marked my new calendars today.

 One is hung prominently for pleasure viewing, the other, also loved, but used to mark birthdays, holidays, and an alarming number of medical dates, ick.

The beautiful seascapes cal came with a word of the year card. I am choosing BEACH, as it embodies so many aspects of health and joy and positivity. Not that I am a fan of Word of the year, but it is here so I used it, will add to my journal.

I kept my Year in the Coutry quilt out for now, because it makes n=me think of calendars and the passing of the years. [you may note I got new lamps for Christmas, hooray!] 

I  wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy New Year.



gone to the beach...

last sunset of 2022.

PS when do you put away your Christmas decorations? All my life I put everything away on Twelfth Night Day, as my family tradition was the holiday began mid-December and lasted til January 5. [if that's the wrong date, oh well, it was OUR date and tradition.] But now Christmas begins right after Halloween or maybe die hards like me after Thanksgiving!~ And most everyone I know was mad-busy  on December 26 putting all the worn dusty tired ornaments and decorations away. 

Your thoughts? Your tradition?

Made me sad. But I have a medical clinic treatment upcoming fast and so I did everything this week. The cottage is again blue and white. Looks barren, but I'll add as the winter goes by. 


  1. A leisurely walk on the beach sounds like a lovely way to celebrate the new year, and your sunsets are always so serene looking. We still have our Christmas lights and decorations up and will probably wait until Jan 6 before taking them down. The star on the barn will remain lit at night for the month. The Christmas quilts will stay out until Feb. Never understood how folks could be in such a hurry to dispense with the wonder of Christmas only to return to the inconsequential humdrum of daily life.

  2. I had a short New Year's Day walk too and will put it on my blog later. I like to start the New Year with the decorations down and tree out, so that's what I did yesterday. The tree was starting to shed as I'd forgotten to put water in the pot below it - new holder, first one with a water container. Boxing Day here is a relaxing day - not the time to start taking down Christmas, but then we didn't get the tree in until the 23rd, when Tam came and helped me juggle it into place. Love the little quilt, and just HAD to look up the book. That looks very readable. Enjoy. What are you knitting with that divine colour wool?

    1. Hi! Cut trees are like cut flowers, best kept as you did, only a short time. I didn't start the book yet, I hope it's interesting, a used book find for me.
      The yarn is not wool--tho I wish it was, what a great sweater its color and a revised texture would make. It's one skein of cotton and one skein of ''scrubbee'' yarn, a textured harsh boucle for dish cloths or bath mitts. I plan to fold in half over a thin sponge for dishwashing maybe.

  3. What nice weather after the extreme cold! We are getting quite a bit of rain since Christmas. No complaints :) Mo's face is so expressive in this photo. Regarding Christmas decorations...before the holiday, someone asked me if we had decorated our tree yet. My neighbor heard and responded that I typically leave my tree outside for a couple of weeks before bringing it in the house, but once the tree is in, it stays till February, lol. No lies detected ;) j
    Have a great start to 2023!

  4. I can see a bunch or a few stems of your dried bayberries in one of your bottles or a jug.
    So good to see the duck family are weather-proof and hardy survivors on your beach. That's the spirit!
    Since childhood, we had decorations down on 12th Night. I do admit that some years did escape though. No problem this year as small, low-key decorations were chosen and surprisingly, groups dotted here and there, worked well. A lesson learnt.
    A very good year to you, Mo and followers.

  5. I think a beach walk on New Year's Day would be a wonderful thing to do. The change in weather from one week to the next was amazing. We'll probably be back to cold in a few weeks, but I hope not quite so cold. (The wind chill was -35 degrees here because of 26 mph winds.) I can only imagine how the wind you had changed your beach.
    A Year in the Country does seem very calendar-like. A good quilt for all seasons and months.


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