I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, September 1, 2022

September ~ August Round Up


"The trouble is---you think you have time."

                                                                                         attributed to Buddha

September is here, school starts next week, but it is so summery and beautiful! Every day must be cherished, winters are long, dark, and oh so cold. [Schoolhouse quilt]

So...not so much was accomplished in August, I admit sheepishly. I have projects with no pics, like late last night I finished piecing Cartwheels' backing, will get it to the quilter asap. And all the hourglass blocks for Giraffe at The Pyramids are done and trimmed. 42 so far. Only to find that I miscalculated and will need an inner border for things to fit. I so want it done for September/ October deck sewing time, so that was a disappointment. The good news is the points do meet.

Pineapple languishes on the work table. With its problems and loss of raison d'etre [reason for being [made]] gone, I am stumped. I also need to make a Christmas gift quilt on the first rainy day, if one ever arrives. I even washed the windows, usually a surefire guarantee of heavy and filled rain. But no. Carwash next?

As mentioned a few weeks ago I am doing primitive whipstitch applique on the stars for a handwork busy work project. 

Seen here with the first machine app'ed stars I am less than thrilled, but I suppose in the end it will all be okay.

I need nine total. Three more to sew this holiday weekend.

Some backgrounds, especially the batiks, reference the weeds and pods and snowy days of the marsh. The setting sun will be the pale white winter sun always so low in the sky.

I drew up a rough but definite plan for the final design since it is so different for the original Jan Patek pattern.

I was disappointed not to be able to use Flying Geese strings vertically but needed them as horizontal spacers.

As drawn I think I need 4 more XL Stars, but probably will only do three. I made them once already in the ugly blue and garish chrome yellow plaid colorway that was quickly discarded a few years ago. Once was enough. Not thrilled with how they bunch up lower left and also how big and clumsy they are. I may use more of the small stars or this Geese in Flight design that I quite like instead. [photo from IG]

Some of the words will [maybe], be appliqued around the border.

I hope I don't hate it.


Happy mail!

From Lori / Humble Quilts, a historic panel for her challenge. I had looked everywhere for a Statue of Liberty, was not in the mood for CW generals or George Washington. I have an idea for this, won't be ready for due date though.

And from Julie/ Julierose, such pretty things! Lovely cards, how charming to get a real envelope and a real card or two. julierosequilts

Her special hand dyed fabric she creates. I love this. It may encourage me to do a fabric junk journaL And also to get focused and try this myself.

And her beautiful marsh grass print she often uses. It is intended for Marsh, maybe a border? Too special to use?


Lori / Humble Quilts is doing a Fall sewalong! Her large quilt sewalongs years ago were what got me truly hooked on quilting again. Here it is if you missed it. She goes too fast, i plan to take my time. There is always that someone who zips out the project in minutes and makes us slowpokes feel like sh#t.💩 Not happening this time, I have matured, LOL LOL . 🤣

It is from Little Quilts, a group of quilters from the early 90s maybe. From a time I was not able to find the time to sew. So something fun to look forward to. If you look closely it is quite a detailed sampler quilt. Not sure of my colors or fabrics, it's in the mulling stage.



Off topic, I have been getting my friend L out more often, saying we need girly time and retail therapy!

Just an hour each week! Home Goods looked like Halloween Party City. Not wonderful, kinda garish and uncool. I said that cute orange Rae Dunn BOO dish for Mo is gonna look really stupid in February, so no. I got him a great Halloween costume instead.

We also did Old Navy another day. A couple Fall-ish tee shirts and Halloween tees for me an Mo. Can't show you the Halloween stuff. L talked me into a medium for Mo's tee, I am pretty sure it is too small. [eye roll].

Tees are Butternut squash and Zuccinis, in my imagination.


Mo finds cross ventilation!

Happy long weekend! Summer! Bring it on, no pumpkins here........



gone to the beach...

for blog friend Bonnie who also loves beach pebbles, a screen grab from IG, not mine.

What look like weedy vines here are native bittersweet, so beautifully orange and red in November!


  1. I also have that JP pattern but haven't dared to open as yet--now, I like how your stars look...and the fabrics are super that you used for those blocks. I think Geese in flight around the borders will be really wonderful, too.
    I cannot believe that today is September already...my granddaughter goes to Middle School this year and the twin grandsons are sophomores in college already!! Where does the time go?
    those darling chunky bracelets are so pretty...
    Hoping for more of this cooler weather over the upcoming weekend...
    hugs from our beach to yours Julierose

  2. Looks like you've been busy with a lot of projects this month. The Patek one looks complicated, can't wrap my brain around the total picture yet. The antique schoolhouse quilt is so pretty, is that a recent acquisition or a family treasure? The nights are getting chilly here and some of the early maples are beginning to color up. Did the last tomato canning today. Only a handful more in the garden , not even enough for a pint jar. Happy to put away the canner and get back to quilting. Your Lady Liberty panel is lovely, have never seen that one before.

  3. So much here! I love your primitive stars and the fabric you are using. I feel the vibe for sure!! I hope you love it.
    No need to feel the need to "keep up" on anything. No judgement at all! I love the statue of liberty and I know you'll do something amazing with her!!
    Just because it is September, doesn't mean it is autumn yet. No pumpkin lattes for me yet! LOL
    I adore the fabric Julie sent!!

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt top finished, and fyi you have converted me - I like the flying geese block! The WELCOME little quilt pattern looks very interesting, too, so I'll look forward to seeing what you make of it.

    It's still really warm here, but not scorching hot anymore. 80s during the day, 60s at night -- if it wasn't for the darn pollen it would be great!

    I'm so glad you and L are getting out more! Short trips are good, especially if you have a chance to chat!

    Enjoy your deck days with Mo! Take care!

  5. That's a great school house quilt! Some of the fabric almost looks like batik, but I suspect it is too old to have such modern fabrics.
    So sorry about having to add an inner border around the Giraffe but it's great that your hourglass blocks are finished and you're happy with the points. (They're so pesky sometimes.)
    It's too bad about no rain. It seemed when my grandmother washed windows it never failed to rain (and she didn't want it to, of course). You want it to and it won't. I hope you get a good rain soon!
    I like your pineapple block quite a lot.
    I also like yours stars. The primtive whip stitch looks wonderful. It is the same way I appliqued pieces to the border of Everyday Patchwork. I don't know how that will hold up in the wash but I hope it does. I think the hand and machine stitching will be okay together. After the quilt is finished, quilted, washed, and dried only another quilter might look closely enough to notice. I'm looking forward to watching progress on this quilt, Lizzy. I'm eager to see the sun! I think it will be a wonderful quilt.
    What a great package from Julierose!
    Those are great tees you found. Beautiful colors for fall.
    Happy Labor Day weekend to you and Mo.
    (Does this comment seem almost like a book to you?!)

  6. So good seeing your schoolhouse quilt again. I love it.
    The blue stars work well for me with such beautiful tones of blue. Keep going!
    Well done for finding an airy place to catch some cool. We felt like mid Summer today after some chilly days with snow visible on the Drakensberg. We're looking forward to Spring rains which are quite late this year.

  7. So lovely to see your schoolhouse quilt again ~ a favourite.
    I really enjoy the range of blue tones of your stars. Keep going!
    Well done for finding an airy place to catch a breeze Mo. It felt like Mid~Summer today, after cool Spring weather. The usual Spring rains are late this year. Penny

  8. Apologies for diverse duplicate comments. Between Google and Blogger, odd things are happening (or not)!

  9. Oh yes, that Schoolhouse quilt is so charming! Love it. You have lots of good projects brewing and we're all cheering you on with the design you hope not to hate! End of summer is perfect for everything to sort of slow down on the homefront as we gear up for the next season.


Hi! I'm allowing comments from everyone, even anonymous for awhile, to see what happens. With comments moderation. Hopefully the awful porn spammer has gone elsewhere. Or you can always email me! I love to hear from everyone.