I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Good evening, how is everyone? I myself am exhausted---suddenly it seems everyone has decided the pandemic is over and I am having unexpected, not really invited guests who wish to enjoy the end-of-summer beach. Not unwanted, just unanticipated? After many months of quietude, having one's space invaded, however well meant, is, I find, stressful and tiring and oddly uncomfortable..

There's a new thing that experts are calling ''caution fatigue", not fatigue as in tired, but fatigue like worn out and giving up. Apparently folks think, ok we stayed home, we social distanced, enough already. And they do not wear masks or use the hand sanitizer I so prominently display.

I didn't get much done the past few days. Mo seems to be healing well but he had a huge panic attack Saturday when I was briefly out in the early evening. He was frantic, and his claws tore my hand badly as I tried to protect my  vulnerable legs in shorts. He hasn't done this since he was a baby, it came as a shock. My hand is healing but it hurt a lot and still hurts.

Yesterday he did better, as I was out at my normal time and gave him a calming treat before I left. The visit to the doctor, the blood pressure guy, was fraught. No parking so I  had to beg a ride from a friend. Then the waiting room was quite busy, no such thing as six feet apart. The doctor and staff wore masks but no gloves, no smocks, just usual khakis and golf shirt or nurse-y scrubs. I had to repeatedly ask if things were sanitized.  Apparently medical people have caution fatigue too.

So boo hoo, nevermind. Quiet has returned this evening. It is oddly chilly, low 70s. Harbinger of far off Fall?

Today's photos are indoor shots, as I am practicing for Instagram and also for a blog post elsewhere where we'll be asked to show our favorite home vignette. Don't worry that you'll be bored on IG if you look at my space there; IG doesn't allow access to desktop photos, where I always carefully edit each and every photo I share here, so those used should appear somewhat different.

Off topic I must show you this quilt made by Audrey at Quilty Folks. Blogger of  Dotty 365 fame. Check out this link....HERE

I MUST have a pink and cheddar project like hers. I don't know when but it just sings to me, a siren song.



gone to the beach....


  1. I have quilt envy every time I see another new finish of Audrey's. Her creativity and color sense is phenomenal. Will we be seeing pink and cheddar additions to your stash soon? Poor little Mo, the aftermath of his surgery is more stressful than we imagined. If only they could talk and let us know. People around here are still doing pretty well at wearing masks in the stores etc. Our county only has one active case right now which is encouraging. Always inspiring to see your in-home vignettes. I'm not on Instagram so glad to see them in your blog posts. Our lows tonight are expected to drop into the 4os. I've already closed some of the windows as it's mid-50s now at 9:30.

  2. Sorry about your hand! That's disconcerting that medical professionals wouldn't be wearing masks - what the heck. I totally get that concept of caution fatigue. For me it's "staying at home fatigue" but we do feel ok about going out here and there, because there's really good (almost universal) respect for all the cautions - masks, hand sanitizer, ventilation, staying 2 meters apart. Love that hydrangea - colorful.

  3. We see caution fatigue here, although not in shops and offices. It's as though people want to think that statistics apply to others and life is back to normal - sort of bullet-proof, the virus isn't there if I block it out. I suppose it's a natural human response to wishfully think the problem away, not considering the greater good!
    Lovely photos and good to know Mo is on the mend. Penny

  4. Oh Audrey's cheddar is winging through my brain too...;))
    I love your collections photos...really neat things on display.
    Sorry about your poor hand...and hope it's healing...
    I went for bloodwork this morning and thankful to say everyone was kitted out in masks and gloves and PPwear..still and all, it was nerve wracking for me...I haven't been out anywhere except to early Sr hrs grocery and dentist (they were kitted up too). People have got to get the message to saty vigilant until a
    proven vaccine is out there!! As my Grand-mere would have said--"They have no stamina, no stick-to-it-ive-ness!!" Wimps...
    Anyway we are staying the course here...
    Enjoy this cooler weather...hugs from really cool
    CT waving to you across the waters Julierose'))

  5. Hello, I worry about people being lax around you. You can't allow it with your health. We're still all masks and gel here. Sorry Mo had an attack, maybe picking up on you being anxious? Take care, Kit

  6. I always enjoy your pictures, and that multi-color hydrangea is pretty cool looking.

    After having you home all to himself for so long during the stay-home period I imagine Mo will not be the only dog to have anxious reactions when their owners go out again. Sorry it happened to you both, and I hope your hand heals okay.

    Here people don't wear masks outdoors, but most stores ask you to be masked. We still have a few cases in our county, but the numbers seem to hold steady - someone recovers, someone else comes down with it. Most people are careful.

    I'm not very hopeful about a vaccine - if it's like the flu vaccines it'll be hit-or-miss and you might still get it anyway. I don't even want to get flu shots anymore after my daughter had such a bad reaction a couple years ago - it was much worse than actually getting the flu! So if they do come up with something I hope they don't try to make it mandatory!

    The quilt you shared is pretty and unusual! I liked the small baskets and that they had different flowers - and the little oops spotted at the last minute, that she left, made me smile too. I didn't notice it until she pointed it out, lol!

    Take care and stay safe!


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