Hi everyone! And so it is May in the time of the Virus! The most awful April is ver, and now begins the ''merry month of May." Hahahaha. I am sorry to report that May at the beach is as miserable as April or June, and tonight, as April shares her final tantrum, we are having yet another storm, high winds and rain.
This is a bit nerdy of me but a favorite thing for me always has been to watch the giant ships' lights come on at sunset. Of course the times vary---in the winter, I may have a cup of tea at 4, watching for the lights; this time of year the lights appear on the darkening horizon at dinner time, so I can eat my dinner and try to imagine the lives of the people who populate the ships.
See the ships along the horizon? |
Tonight was so cold and dark, it was a hot chocolate night---but the rain was too intense to see the ships that are about 8 to 10 miles away. The standard visibility is always listed as ten miles, no further, the shipping lanes are about ten miles offshore. We never see further, at sea level the curve of the earth prevents a longer sight line. Usually there are about nine ships, sometimes as many as 12, on rare holiday build ups as many as 15 or more, waiting to dock in NY Harbor. The virus hasn't slowed down the traffic out there. But the ships travel unseen tonight in the storm.
Meanwhile, back in the warm[ish] cottage, I got out my newest quilt acquisition to share with you. I bought this cutie on FB Marketplace in December. It was, I think 30.oo plus ten dollars shipping.
It came home , got a good wash and inspection. There are a couple blocks I hope to replace at some point. Here is my dilemma.
The Baskets are darling, c.1930. The sewing is good, the hand quilting is plain but fine.
Except for a stain and the shredded black fabric of the one block, condition is good.
The art deco design of the Baskets is so fun and different.
BUT there is something wonky about how the quilter put the blocks together. The fabric placement goes from---odd but okay....
I think this one is actually correct:
Correct but odd?
And then there are a few blocks that are just totally strange.
Hilariously wrong.
I love that, I love the quilter's unconcern for perfection. She made 'em that way and to her they are just fine.
I also love the adorable dot sashing.
I like the floral and gingham blocks
but I am in love with the more graphic solid blocks, that, again, just shout out their skewed triangles with nonchalant glee.
And the sky blue solid backing.
The narrow binding is expertly done entirely by machine, we all know how hard that is.
Here is what I think maybe the block should have been.
But then there is too much white on the top half. It would have worked well in solid pastel with housedress-and-apron florals for the Baskets.
I am tempted to replace the stained block with MY version of how the block should be. But in the end, I won't do that; I think the Art Deco Baskets are perfect just the way they are, don't you? In fact, their imperfection adds to the quilt's appeal and charm. Perfect is overrated, as always.
I will try to get better pictures on Saturday, supposed to be sunny>?? If you wish to check back.
May baskets...did you ever make a May Basket in school?

Oh how I loved the rare art projects our class did now and then. By third grade I'm pretty sure all art time was eliminated, my school was heavily into scholastics and sports, no art. One year we made May Baskets from halved paper plates, stapled into cornucopias, pipe cleaner handles, crepe paper bows and colored paper decorations, like a heart for MoM. Our teacher showed us how to wad up tissue paper into tiny ruffled circles that we glued all over our plates, creating rosette pompom polka dots. Mine were baby blue!I think my dad helped me find a few real flowers to put into my May Basket, a late daff, a tulip, some andromeda, some heather. Oh I was so proud to give that to my mom, on, I suppose Mother's Day. I don't recall her being thrilled.
gone to the beach....
This seems oddly encouraging: recycling will begin again next week.
And just in case you're home and have nothing to do..[aka, here's a good laugh!]

Hi - blog-hopping from a friend's blog. What a lovely old quilt, with all its inconsistencies! You got a bargain there (old quilts here in Wales are not to be had cheaply!) Thank you for sharing it with us. I am quilt-making in this time of pestilence, helps keep my mind occupied!
ReplyDeleteWhat a find your quilt is Lizzy. The oddness is what appeals and makes it so unique I'd say the quilter was a truly original and resourceful artist who made the very best of what she had at her disposal. An absolute gem.
ReplyDeleteI'd avoid repairs unless wear is really dire.
Your evening ships bring to mind the Christmas angel that those out at sea might see in your neighborhood as you described in one of your previous posts.
The cozy Mo pics are always a delight. Penny
Hahaha--that cleaning schedule is a back-slapper for sure--
ReplyDeletewhat a simply lovely vintage quilt you've found. Worth every $$ you paid for it--I also just LOVE how the pieces were placed all wonky--you know how much I love wonky things!!
I think the scattered solid May Baskets in this really make the understated floral ones even more beautiful...I love those fabrics...yum!!
I also would leave it in all its imperfect glory...thanks for sharing your glorious find...))))
~ ~ ~ Waving in the pouring rain again Julierose
I love the Art Deco Baskets quilt you bought. Many of the quilts we see online nowadays are made by professionals, or semi-professionals perhaps. I think this one was made by a real person! Enjoy it, just as it is in all its glorious imperfection.
ReplyDeleteLove that quirky folksy quilt!!! Can't help but smile!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have my house sparkling clean, but life it too short!!
What a haunting phrase: But the ships travel unseen tonight in the storm.
ReplyDeleteOh, you've just got to love that sweet quilt in all its vintage quirkydom (sp)! Do you suppose the blocks were some young girl's first effort at piecing her own quilt? Watching for ships' lights in the evening is probably no more nerdy than watching for the moon's phase and Venus when we have occasional clear nights. I love the full moon shining in the bedroom windows at night, and out here in the country we can have our windows uncovered at night, at least on the side/back of the house. Cleaning "schedules" are for those who don't have a life. Around here it gets done when it starts to really bother me, which I'll confess isn't all too often. My mother would be horrified!
ReplyDeleteOh that is the sweetest quilt and I think you are wise to keep with the "nonchalant glee" of it all. It is so quirky and awesome. Ahhh May, let's hope for a better month! April was beautiful in Japan, May will be too. And then we will have the horrible hot/humid summer but I'm still hoping we will see a return to something like normal by then.
ReplyDeleteLizzy, I think these are the quirkiest and most charming baskets I've seen in a long time, all nestled into the dotty sashing. Really delightful and such a find! The one I like best is the one you thought might be "Correct but odd" because there is a delineation between the top of the basket and the backing , but if all the blocks were that way the quilt wouldn't be quite so fun.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell the size of this quilt or how big the baskets are but I'm wondering if you'll hang the quilt on a wall or use it some other way.
I think I would watch the ships, too. When we were in Florida in January I loved watching the ships leave the harbor (I didn't seem them from where I was till they were out a way) and become smaller and smaller. I wasn't on the beach when nightfall came so I missed seeing their lights come on.
That cleaning schedule.... My mom was rigorous cleaner and I believe she would have added a few things to the daily and weekly lists. I learned from her but I'm not so thorough and on time as she was.
Oh my gosh, it's not nerdy that you look for the ships to light up! I love that. I thought you were going to say that there are many more out there. We have soooo many now just sitting out there, a couple of cruise ships, empty ships with no goods to drop off, and I assume full oil tankers now, also, I have been wondering about the staff on the cruise ships, and what life is like for them right now, Do you still have that APP that gives you info about the ships? Am I dreaming that?
ReplyDeleteMy stars, my house is in no better shape now than when this started! Maybe I should take the chart seriously...
Mo looking just as smushable as ever :) Lucky you.
What a very interesting and quirky quilt you found. We made May baskets for May first, my Grampa's birthday! That chart, they must be kidding! No WAY!
ReplyDeleteThe art-deco baskets are quirky and cute - but for some reason when I first looked and the red and while ones I saw weird Santa faces, lol!! I think I would keep it as-is as much as possible, maybe. Depends how bad that one block is, might have to replace it - although how you manage to replace one block in a finished quilt is beyond me!
ReplyDeleteI *used* to keep a clean house, but after the family had so many health issues requiring me to ferry them around and take care of them for a couple years in a row, I got really behind and then *I* started having knee, back, and hip issues. Now I just want to hire someone....or move!