I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, August 26, 2013

Angel Skies

Hi! We've had a rather cool summer here at the beach. (I missed the July heat wave in the hospital). But the other day it was a grey and sultry and not so pretty kind of late summer day. Good for outdoor sewing because there is no shadow cast by one's hands. But not gorgeous. A little bleh?

Anyway, just at sunset, a cool front moved through, first clearing the heat haze and then generating a rolling mass of ocean fog.

The sky---and ocean!--- lit up! I hardly ever see a pink ocean.

We call a sunset like this an angel sky....

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us,
and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us,
and we only know them when they are gone.

~George Eliot
I am striving to enjoy each day, to heal a little each day...to find pleasure in the small beauties again....



gone to the beach



  1. What beautiful photos.

    We had a bit of rain and I stayed out in it until I was soaked.

    Warm rain still seems odd to me. LOL.

    I think of you every day and send Maui magic to you.


  2. What lovely photos. I've never seen a pink ocean/lake/gulf, but yellow, yes. When the storm clouds at at a certain level and the sun is on its way down -- the yellow is reflected everywhere. The first time it was almost spooky - then I decided I like it. Most often it was when the storm clouds have already passed over us and are moving on.

  3. Lizzy I too have never seen a pink ocean. Thank you for those beautiful pictures. I hope this finds you well and getting better every day. I'll be watching.

  4. Fantastic photos - I would love to see something like that in person! So nice that you felt well enough to be outside to see and share!

  5. Never before have I seen a sky or ocean quite that hue. So glad you were able to go out and experience something exceptional.


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