The first fall flea market! Yippee! It was awesome, so fun to get out and hunt for treasure.
I don't even think about the flea market from May to Sunday market is right near a major seashore area...and to get there I have to cross numerous little drawbridges, fight my local beach traffic, then the tourists and city-folk...well, it's just not an option. As it was I sat for 15 fidgety minutes as fishing boats and sailboats glided calmly, slowly through an open bridge. The view is nice: white sand, white birds, emerald marshes, blue-blue water. But still.
Anyway, I was amazed at the crowds at the market. Then disappointed not to be finding much. Then,
aha!---from two of my longtime friendly dealers I found just the things I needed.
Lots of white linens for white hearts and white Christmas stockings and white doves....
Aren't these beautiful!
I just love this simple guest towel, picture the pale cocoa satin scallops on a stocking cuff? Or across a heart sachet?
And a lovely, never used set of trousseau linens....
Note the original price![oops, NO! not price $'s the size. 81 x 99, I think.]
I may keep them or, after a nice bleach and wash, sell the pillow cases in my etsy shop. The sheet will become part of a comforter cover or lining for those white stockings?
And some plain white percale pillowcases---the old tightly woven, very smooth cotton that I love---to sew my special laces to. I like my bed piled high with crisp white lace-edged pillows....I even enjoy the starch and ironing part.
And a collection of rhinestone brooches to turn into tiny picture frames and hang on a Christmas tree or tie to a special present......
like this.....
And just for know how I love turquoise things: a turquoise necklace and an antique (pre-WW2) German Easter egg! So big and pristine. See how the bunny's sky is, well, turquoise? I just had to have him! He came with all the white linens, so I got a good deal, even though his price was more than that of ALL the linens!
Unfortunately it was really, reeeally hot! And so I passed up things that were wonderful but would have necessitated a long drop-off trip to my car in the sweltering sun: an entire,
huge printer's drawer filled with wooden type, wooden letters, all quite large. (sigh). Neat crates for fall decorating. And spectacular mums, only $5.oo each!
Oh well, next week, right?
What treasures did you guys find? Any goodies?
PS Remember our little guy? He sat with me all day Saturday while I worked on a white hearts order. He thought the snips from the seams were food, poor baby. NOT yum. So I fed him crackers.... :-) |
..............gone to the beach