I wiped away the weeds & foam. / I fetched my sea-born treasures home... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, September 14, 2024

In and Out, Out and About

 Good morning! Another hot sunny lovely day. High summer here, almost 80*, hotter in the sun, too. September is so beautiful I almost wish for a break of a rain day. My zinnies are madly blooming, I must water them twice a day. I'll show them off next post! No mums for me this year.

I met a friend for a quick visit and shopping hour the other day. We wanted to get out before Covid rears its ugly head. Many masks being worn! Are they sick and contagious, but out, or being careful not to get sick? Masks to me are a red flag! We had just one hour so a quick ''just for fun'' trip over the bridges to Home Goods.

No Christmas, thank goodness but Halloween prevailed.

Store looked like a slightly upscale Party City.

What is this? A fungus? A dead rose? Creepy. 

I always love the glass pumpkins, though am less attracted the ones made in India w the metal stems; I love the loopy freeform glass stems of the original versions. 

Here is a link to the originals made in USA by Corning Glass. You can make your own at the museum! HERE

Some pretty Fall.

Mushrooms! Toadstools! So cute.

Mushroom sheets--I love them but so silly.

Not much Thanksgiving.  Maybe that special day's lack of commercialization is a good thing?


I hadn't planned to buy anything but after a while ''shopping one's closets'' and reusing gets so boring. [I'll never forget a longtime reader saying she was tired of seeing my faux chocolate Bunny every year! Petty to care but I keep it in mind!]

Basket for a gift planned for my little artist friend.

Loved these mercury glass candles.

I loved the Acorn, he is a bit different. I didn't realize til I got home that the bottom section is a different color, makes it especially interesting and cute.

[I justify candles bec of the constant storms and non-storm related power failures we experience here; oh how I hate redoing all the appliances' clocks, again and again.]

A tiny white Pumpkin for my collection.

And some things for Mo. A new water bowl, some Halloween treats, and a costume.

The costume made me laugh---lahdidah, a Martha Stewart tutu. Mo will wear it as a ruff.

It was a very fast shopping adventure. This is me wating for L to pay for her finds. The line was very very long and slow. LOL.


And off we hurried home. This is a different marsh view than the usual, looking northwest. The WTC Towers would have been visible on the far left horizon before 9/11.

These little marsh islands are beautiful, all white dunes and fishing camp cabins.

One of my long ago dreams was to stay some early fall, in one of these cottages and putter about in my dingy, exploring the white beaches and bird sanctuaries, taking photos, finding treasure. Old seaglass bottles are sometimes found, the cabins [far left, above] have existed for hundreds of years, family squatting rights allowing them to remain in use.

 Fantasies inspired no doubt by this wonderful book:


Noah's Ark update: the prep is tedious but then the sewing goes fast. Half the animals are done.

I made Mo a beaded decorative collar. It needs to be remade with a looser fir.

Oh well, nxt summer, I sighed sadly as I also put away my beloved summer bead bracelets.


This weekend I'm cooking because I have an infusion appointment Monday. Food prep is extra hard this time because deli meats are not an option, due to the Listeria scare. No ham salad for me this time, it's my special post IV treat. HERE

Have a good week, enjoy the beautiful last weeks of summer.



gone to the beach.....

Friday, September 6, 2024

Late Summer Notes and Nature Journals.


Hi everyone! It's a hot, trying to be sunny afternoon here, even though IG is trying to tempt me with ads for yummy Autumn teas. [link at end of post] I'm making a pork tenderloin and despite the open breezy windows the house does smell so good and garlicky. I'm in the process of using up/ restocking my ''pantry'' and freezer for hurricane and blizzard seasons to come. Ordered from Amazon earlier--potty pads for Mo, my supplements and pain pills, big box items---Covid and H Sandy have taught me to stay prepared, but it is also essential to rotate through the stockpiled supplies, use and replace. One package in the freezer was from 2022!

Mo is out enjoying the day, he is not cuddly but he situates himself as close to me as he can, here he is just under my chair. Toes and tail always in precarious spots, ouch.

The days are too nice to be indoors. I make a tin tray of my nature drawing supplies and lug it all out to the deck about once a week.

We are seeing many flocks of birds. Often birds congregate and form large groups in the early Fall, even if they don't migrate, or don't leave til November.. For food and safety in numbers. And migratory monarch butterflies and dragonflies are swarming, making the zinnies a busy place. [pic is geese but many small birds were here this week.]

The gathering bowl, with old and new items to draw perhaps.

Perpetual Journal:

Here is my little companion, Mr Sparrow, who has visited daily all spring and summer. 

google pic

In mid-August he began bringing his mate, a plainer, pretty female, soft taupe in color. Then the whole family arrived!

I didn't dare draw him right in my book, I cheated and used a larger more easy watercolor pad instead. [even the best journalers on IG paste in redos, it's ok.]

The lovely white Cabbage Butterflies, dancing in spirals. Had to include the spirals.

google image

Wild strawberries along the weathered grey fences.

Rosehip stars, before the berries form. Deadhead these to get a second flowering.

 The pretty asters on the marsh verge.

A handful of cockle shells. Until I drew this I didn't know ''cockles" was the actual name of this bivalve, I thought it was a colloquialism. But they are not rustic scallops, they are a real thing. "Silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids...''

The shells are my fave drawing of this batch. Bellow is the worst fail, need to rethink it. I left it here so you can see my struggles, lol.

This is a peony seed pod. My friend said they can't be cut off, they somehow feed the tubers for next year[???] so I may try to get better pics to draw it.

Scribble Journal

Try-out Sparrow and random words jotted down. On the Scribble Journal everything can go. Hint of unintended poetry? And "Fatal Socks"? A book title to remember on my kindle. [''Secrets", not socks. Awful, about the fashion industry, totally not rooted in reality and NYC is nothing like it is portrayed here. I hope it was a freebie.]

In another notebook, some mournful quotes. To be read at my seaglass and me dispersal, far in the future, I hope.

Sandcastle days...the early September beach days before school begins. I was always so sad to see my children go back to school, trying desperately to show phony enthusiasm instead. I had been a shy bored student myself, loathed every moment in actual school. I'm sure I learned more in summers with games, pets, books, crafts, sewing,  swimming and biking; nature hikes with my mom--these were the golden days! 
We always had a book to read together after lunch, during my mom's idea of quiet time. I vividly remember the summer after third grade: we read Little Women on the back patio, next to the green iron fence full of sweet pink roses. After a week or so I got impatient---she'd only read me one chapter per day! So I read the book on my own. I think we started the Little House on the Prairie series next, and also read Anne Lindberg's A Gift from the Sea. [so inappropriate, mom loved the title], and Rumer Godden's Greengage Summer. My mom collected used vintage hardcover books---she  had Nancy Drews and Boxcar Kids, so retro, I adored them. We also had art lessons and cooking lessons, I loved both. You can see why school and all those rules was a let down.

Now a mom myself, with iPad type screen kids, we instead focused on the beach. We beachcombed tiny flags and pennants for our castles.

Paper collage including a sandpaper sandcastle given to me as a gift.

Have a great weekend and week ahead!

gone to the beach......

The delicious Fall Teas are click here