Hi and Happy Monday!
Spring arrived yesterday and much to my surprise the season is blessing us with some sunny, not-too-cold days. Very unusual as the spring equinox is far more likely to bring bitter gales and foul weather.
Mo [my pug and dear companion] was born on the first day of spring, 8 years ago.

Yes, baby Mo is quite the man now, though like all pugs he retains that cute puppy face---a bit grey now..
And like many pugs Mo always has a birthday party.
"To you I am the dog, but to my family, I am the baby!"
With cake, candles, gifts and party hat.
He knows something special is happening.
The cake was a success though he prefers bakery carrot cake, human grade.
Gifts included his fave jerky kabobs and a lariat collar, for ID tags only, for times he may play outdoors with no leash, or as extra ID during an emergency or evacuation.
Meanwhile, the paperwhite narcissus celebrated spring by finally blooming. Quite a spectacular show! Week 9 to 10.
Only one laggard now.
Have a good week! Flower Show post on Friday-ish, check back.
gone to the beach...
no beach walks this past week, the boardwalk was removed for its annual repair and the huge scary trucks returned. Mo and I garden peeped in search of spring flowers instead.
Seaglass bottles with newest finds and sprigs.
The oystercatchers returned March 17, in dense pea soup fog, so no new pics yet.
***Not paid to say this,
but FYI all Mo's birthday items, hats, gifts, cake mix, etc
are from chewy.com