Hi! I couldn't show you my handmade Valentines before now because Valentines are...
shhhh!...a secret, right?
My family has a tradition of making Valentines at home [not that I don't love a pretty store-bought card!]. My mother made elaborate frilly heart collages for family and friends and my dad, once he discovered computer graphics, loved making up a Valentine for my mom on his pc. Some were sappy, some were tacky, but all were made at home...
This year I just had No Ideas. During my January clean-out session I threw out all my many years' collection of Valentine papers and doilies and pretty stickers! [It could be worse, last January, I discarded ALL my books, including a huge library of classic quilting book, sigh. so sad...].
But on Monday night before V-Day, I realized I better have
something for friends and family! Oooh, can we say ''last minute'?
I grabbed a brown paper Trader Joe's sack, some cute fabric scraps from my sewing table...some pretty vintage buttons...and...sewed up some Valentine hearts! (but a glue stick would work just fine!)
Here they are! I think they're so cute....
And everyone loved them, I think.
Now about the classic dozen Valentine roses:
On the fifteenth I had to go over the bridge to the big supermarket. And right inside their front door were many tubs of gorgeous roses. Every color you can imagine! No red, but pink, coral, peach, yellow, pale green, cream with pink, deep pink, pale pink, mixed bunches, too....
the beautiful pink lilies were a gift to me
from a dear friend... |
The sign said
that was crossed out with Magic Marker: Sale!
Doz roses $4.99.
Hmmm...is this what we mean by
price gouging?
I don't think the husbands and boyfriends fell for that first huge price, at least not at the grocery store. There were lots of roses left and every woman who walked into the store seemed to stop and choose a bunch or two of the leftovers. And the ladies, including me!, seemed very happy...
~~~~gone to the beach...